4:20 Walk Everyday

So, hey. I'm Kat, 33, Los Angeles-esque and right now, I weigh 230lbs. I'm not really sure what my goal is, but right now, I'd love to be under 200 by the end of the year. So far, I've managed to drop 9lbs this month, probably a good bit of it just water. My biggest vices: video games and craft beer.

For the last three weeks, I've been getting up around 4am and exploring my neighborhood in the cool, quiet early mornings. It's mostly been a way to deal with anxiety and excess nervous energy, but I've really begun to enjoy just... escaping for a while with an audiobook or a podcast. I just lost myself in Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane and before I knew it, I had chewed up nearly 12 miles of concrete in just two days.

I'd love to keep up with some people in a similar situation or really, just anyone who can see the lighter, more amusing side to this whole weight loss/exercise journey.


  • wallacepr38
    wallacepr38 Posts: 6 Member
    Keep up the walking it's good for many things. Especially for health and self esteem. Not to mention calories. Xp
  • turboscrub
    turboscrub Posts: 32 Member
    I agree. Also, checking out all the amazing architecture! Old historical neighborhoods are incredible.
  • vadimknobel
    vadimknobel Posts: 165 Member
    with 420 in the title I thought this would about smoking weed for some reason
  • turboscrub
    turboscrub Posts: 32 Member
    with 420 in the title I thought this would about smoking weed for some reason

  • ImNancyLynn
    ImNancyLynn Posts: 36 Member
    I too thought it was Weed related and being Colorado I figured I should check it out!!! hahaaa
  • ImSooHigh
    ImSooHigh Posts: 19 Member
    aww man. I was thinking the same. haha
  • turboscrub
    turboscrub Posts: 32 Member
    Hahaha! I only just moved to LA from Colorado, too. Half of the people I tell that to immediately start talking about weed.
  • Chayacandoit
    Chayacandoit Posts: 67 Member
    I really get why you do the early morning thing! I get up to watch the sunrise while biking. Luv it! Friend me.
  • Angora333
    Angora333 Posts: 2 Member
    Early mornings are the best. I can hardly fall out of bed in time before the rest of the town wakes up. But when I can its friggen amazing.
    Keep it up!
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me