Need More Friends who need Support and Motivation

I'm looking for new friends that need Support and Motivation as they work towards there goals. I know it can be hard at first when I first started exercising everyday I just started with a walk around the block and than the next week I went a little further and etc and now I'm doing anywhere between 6-7 miles and I do that in about 2 hours. I can tell you I couldn't run with out stopping to catch my breath and now I can walk and run as well and that's huge for me I've noticed how much easier it is now and I'm working on where I can run for my whole walk but anyway you have to start some where and I've just worked on that goal and I'm going to continue working on that hard as I ca each and everyday and always remember you won't lose the weight if you don't get out and do something about it. Please feel free to add me as a friend and I will support you and give you motivation best I can on a daily basis.
