Gaining weight and inches why??

I'm starting to use my fitness pal again. I think there are small things I'm doing/not doing that are making a huge change in why I've been gaining weight recently. I also gained inches! >.<

Could this weight gain (only a few pounds) and gaining inches (waist and hips) be from lifting weights and adding more protein to my diet? I started going to the gym again at the beginning of this month and I thought I was doing well but not I'm feeling really discouraged. I really need encouragement if anyone reading this can offer it.

Is it possible to gain inches from muscle underneath layers of fat before losing the fat? Any suggestions for losing the fat? I feel like I'm losing a battle with my body and it is really hard for me because I used to be anorexic and don't want to fall down that same path.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Start logging calories. A caloric deficit will result in weight loss.
  • ChiliPepperLifter
    ChiliPepperLifter Posts: 279 Member
    It's hard to say unless we know exactly how you're eating. Do you log your calories? Are you in a deficit, or eating at maintenance? It's so important to weigh all solid foods, and measure all liquids. It's the only way to know for sure what the issue is. Fyi, it takes many weeks, potentially months, of lifting to gain even a pound of muscle under ideal conditions.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm starting to use my fitness pal again. I think there are small things I'm doing/not doing that are making a huge change in why I've been gaining weight recently. I also gained inches! >.<

    Could this weight gain (only a few pounds) and gaining inches (waist and hips) be from lifting weights and adding more protein to my diet? I started going to the gym again at the beginning of this month and I thought I was doing well but not I'm feeling really discouraged. I really need encouragement if anyone reading this can offer it.

    Is it possible to gain inches from muscle underneath layers of fat before losing the fat? Any suggestions for losing the fat? I feel like I'm losing a battle with my body and it is really hard for me because I used to be anorexic and don't want to fall down that same path.

    Well, if you're gaining weight and inches at the same time, then you are eating too much. Some could be water retention from the exercise and change in dietary plan, but I've never heard of increased inches with water fluctuations.

    If you are eating at a deficit, you won't be gaining muscle except for slight newbie gains. Besides this, women don't bulk up with weight lifting.

    That said, do you weigh your food and log everything you eat? Do you count your exercise calories as well and, if so, where do you get those burn number from?

    ETA: I just looked at your diary and you don't log your food. How can you be sure of how much you are eating?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You sound like you are in calorie surplus with a little it of water retention.

    Get a food scale and start tracking what and how much you eat.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I'm starting to use my fitness pal again. I think there are small things I'm doing/not doing that are making a huge change in why I've been gaining weight recently. I also gained inches! >.<

    Could this weight gain (only a few pounds) and gaining inches (waist and hips) be from lifting weights and adding more protein to my diet? I started going to the gym again at the beginning of this month and I thought I was doing well but not I'm feeling really discouraged. I really need encouragement if anyone reading this can offer it.

    Is it possible to gain inches from muscle underneath layers of fat before losing the fat? Any suggestions for losing the fat? I feel like I'm losing a battle with my body and it is really hard for me because I used to be anorexic and don't want to fall down that same path.

    Yes, this could be the cause. When you start or increase resistance training your muscles store water for repair. Water is similar in weight to fat and makes your muscles look bigger.

    If you are sure you are eating a calorie deficit, then just stick to your plan and it should even out after a bit.