Need support and positive friends for motivation!

After several failed attempts, I'm back again! Will you offer me your support as I try to get right this time? Knowing you're out there, watching and reading, helps keep me accountable for that bit of cake I purposely didn't track because I want to be seen as perfect - HA!!! These lies have gotten me nothing but back into my fat pants! I can't lie about weight loss - just like I can't lie about having good morals and character. So if you are so inclined, drop me a note and let me know that you understand and you will send me a post ever now and then to make sure I logged that Hershey Kiss or that spoonful of chocolate mousse. Thanks for the luv, nolajmac


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Feel free to add me for support!
  • Mnaminal
    Mnaminal Posts: 90 Member
    Same here... I am so that girl. "What? The calories still count even when I'm eating out of the box, standing by the fridge?" Yeah....
  • iheartcookies2
    iheartcookies2 Posts: 952 Member
    Hi! You can add me as well. :)