Working small body parts to look proportionate?

Do any of you work small bodyparts with isolation exercises such as the neck (front, back, sides), front of calves, forearms, adductors and abductors?

I have a problem with forearm and neck development, I mean i do shrugs which gave me traps like Tom Hardy., but upper trap training doesn't work the full neck. i never see anybody do neck exercises in my gym, and rarely forearm exercises. Nothing like having a skinny neck with huge arms and chest - looks like the Situation from the Jersey Shore.

The problem is trying to fit these small isolation exercises into a program. You're supposed to train 45 minutes to an hour, but adding these exercises makes the gym stay much longer. They are not labor intensive exercises, so you can superset them to save time. Perhaps do these on days off, yet I don't know how it would affect recovery between training sessions.