So hungry today....

Oh no, I can't stop eating today. And I didn't have as much energy at the gym as usually. My strength training was crap! Why I need so much food? I've been good girl from couple of weeks and today? Naughty naughty me


  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    If you're targets are set correctly, and you typically feel fine on your diet then I would first look at what may be affecting your emotions today. Do you have any stressors that could be making you feel hungry? Frustration, disappointment, etc. can all lead to the feeling of hunger (because that's what your habits say you should feel), so your body can generate cravings and make you think you're hungry. This is typically my reason for being hungry.

    Some other ideas: You could also be dehydrated (try drinking a glass of water and seeing if you're still hungry), tired (lack of sleep makes you hungry), or hungry (haven't been eating as much as you thought).
  • kkorzeniowska
    kkorzeniowska Posts: 24 Member
    Good point...I've been constantly cold today too and I did wake up in pretty bad mood. Very weird day...and tried trick with water. Carried bottles of it everywhere. Nothing worked.brushing teeth,chewing gum.... My stomach still was moaning.
    Hopefully those extra 160 calories will be burned tomorrow at the gym
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Do you work with a weekly maintenance calorie goal? I always eat under a few days and over a few days, using a weekly calorie goal.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    i'm ridiculously ravenously hungry in the week leading up to "lady time" and apparently you do tend to burn a little more in those days....could that be it?
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    i'm ridiculously ravenously hungry in the week leading up to "lady time" and apparently you do tend to burn a little more in those days....could that be it?

    I was about to bring this up. It's totally true for me too.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    i'm ridiculously ravenously hungry in the week leading up to "lady time" and apparently you do tend to burn a little more in those days....could that be it?

    Yep. 1600 extra calories in the last couple days thanks to PMS here. And I'm still hungry.
  • kkorzeniowska
    kkorzeniowska Posts: 24 Member
    I still have week till the "lady time". How come that u burn more during that time? I've never heard of it before. :-?
    And I work with daily calorie goal. Im active and to maintain weight I need 2100 calories. It works. I dont gain,and i don't loose weight but during those hungry days Im always worried that I'll ruin all the effort.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I still have week till the "lady time".

    If you are experiencing PMS, that would certainly trigger hunger. Some months are worse than others for me, but I'm winding down on experiencing lady time, so I think that's affecting it. Love the months when I seem to skip PMS week altogether!

    Hope the hunger simmers down soon!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I still have week till the "lady time". How come that u burn more during that time? I've never heard of it before. :-?
    And I work with daily calorie goal. Im active and to maintain weight I need 2100 calories. It works. I dont gain,and i don't loose weight but during those hungry days Im always worried that I'll ruin all the effort.

    Yeah it sounds like PMS hunger. Believe me, you're not alone. Honestly, I maintain at 2200, and I keep a deficit just to make up for that week... it's sad, but I've been maintaining for a year this way...

    But I've heard that you burn more during that time too so I guess it makes up for some of it, just no idea how much and I'm not really counting on it, that's why I keep a deficit the rest of the time.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    I'd be interested to know if we actually do burn more in the week leading up to menstruation, and I'd love to know why!

    The hunger itself must be a hormonal thing, because when I was on hormonal birth control I was constantly hungry for a good few months - plus, I no longer menstruate (no uterus) but I still have cycles (healthy ovaries) and get ravenously hungry for a week leading up to when my period would have been, so it can't be a bleeding thing.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    There was a study with a small group (can't bring it up easily right now where I am, but the whole study is available online). The theory is that your BMR is higher because your uterine lining is rebuilding itself, if I remember correctly. To my knowledge, no one else has ever tried to replicate that study.
  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    If you're genuinely tired and hungry, eat! Listening to your body is one of the most important things to learn to do if you want to maintain your lifestyle and seriously a couple of hundred extra calories will make no difference on one day. If your body is asking for fuel, it's probably because you've expended some extra energy somewhere without realising, or have built up too much of a deficit. It happens! Don't ignore the hunger as that could lead to a binge later down the line.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Lottiotta wrote: »
    I'd be interested to know if we actually do burn more in the week leading up to menstruation, and I'd love to know why!

    The hunger itself must be a hormonal thing, because when I was on hormonal birth control I was constantly hungry for a good few months - plus, I no longer menstruate (no uterus) but I still have cycles (healthy ovaries) and get ravenously hungry for a week leading up to when my period would have been, so it can't be a bleeding thing.

    Man, that sucks. The only reason I'd get the pill would be to stop the hunger, but it seems it doesn't always work, and sometimes it does the opposite!
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    You might need to have a higher calorie day. There's nothing wrong with that. Just shave some calories off a few other days!
  • kkorzeniowska
    kkorzeniowska Posts: 24 Member
    We women and our hormonal issues... I hate those days when I can't stop eating, I feel bad with myself and guilty afterwards. I have to admit I do have a days when I'm not hungry at all too. I have to remind myself to go and grab some food every three hours. Usually my belly demands it itself without checking the time lol.
    I was proud of myslef today though, had great time at the gym. Yesterday I noticed lack of strength and today everything was ok so yes, we should listen to our bodies.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've been finding combinations of a big serving of veggies, plus 30 or so grams of protein, to be very filling.
  • ActiveApril
    ActiveApril Posts: 73 Member
    i'm ridiculously ravenously hungry in the week leading up to "lady time" and apparently you do tend to burn a little more in those days....could that be it?

    This is 100% true for me, too.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited July 2015
    We women and our hormonal issues... I hate those days when I can't stop eating, I feel bad with myself and guilty afterwards. I have to admit I do have a days when I'm not hungry at all too. I have to remind myself to go and grab some food every three hours. Usually my belly demands it itself without checking the time lol.
    I was proud of myslef today though, had great time at the gym. Yesterday I noticed lack of strength and today everything was ok so yes, we should listen to our bodies.

    You seem to be doing great! I did horrible this week. 2 days left and I'm still 1600 over my maintenance for the week... so in the best case I'll finish 800-1000 over, if by some miracle my appetite calms down this week end and I can keep a deficit (knowing my period probably won't show up for another few days, even though I've been cramping for 3 days now).

    But yes, typically once my period start I have days when I'm not very hungry at all, so I can carry a deficit to make up for it then (like I was 2000 under last week, so if I have a bad week it's not the end of the world). It's what I tell myself to avoid feeling horrible about it... but it's tough because PMS already makes me a bit of a lunatic, so once you add the hunger and the horrible guilt and worries that I'll keep gaining that inevitably follow... it's just ugly.

    Of course my vacations last month were just in that period when I'm not hungry so I wasn't able to 'save' calories then and ended up gaining 2 pounds, which I was hoping to lose...

    I'm very thankful for this thread though. It seems that pretty often when I talk about my crazy hunger at that time people tell me it's psychological or that I'm just giving excuses... It's good to see that I'm not alone in this!
  • kkorzeniowska
    kkorzeniowska Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely u aren't alone my dear. And yes I'm fed up of people who say, try drinking water,it's emotional eating,u aren't really hungry. I'm am! And I can't help it. Nothing works well enough to stop binging on food sometimes.
    One night, I went to bed with my husbnad and I couldn't go to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about bigmac (I dont even like McDonald's! I'm there twice a year!) but hey ho, we got up and went to get some food at bloody 11 pm. I had big Mac and toffee sundae and I went to sleep happier than tasted delicious. Lol it was about two month ago. its amazing how our bodies can want something and that's it! Whatever u do,whatever u try it's hard to fight it off. U won't put yourself in ease until u will have an extra food.

    I dont really cut on food after my crazy day of eating though...I work harder at the gym though. Lift mire kg, more repetitions or when it's cardiovascular day I push myslef to run longer or row faster. Stuff like that. I love food too much I suppose