How can I get rid of my lower belly fat?



  • GrabacrPD
    GrabacrPD Posts: 94 Member
    Flat stomachs are made in the kitchen!
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have the same issue with lower belly fat. It has started to go away but I guess after three kids I have some major work to do. I would recommend eating right, doing your cardio and your ab exercies, squats etc. It is true you can not spot reduce but what you can do is while you are working on loosing the fat you can build those muscles. Once the fat is gone your abs will show with out the saggy skin. At least that is my humble take on it.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    To everyone still yappin about ab work let me ask you a question since we seem to think that "ah it's better than nothing" What happens when one set of muscles is overtly stronger than it's antagonist?

    Everyone is an expert around here it seems. I mean I'm certainly not but it seems that we have a few.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member

    Ok so does that mean for someone like me who has reached goal I have to lose more weight cause I really don't want to, i think my mothers apron is some what loose skin.

    To the op. I did cardio and ate healthy while losing and my lower belly did shrink quite a bit but I still have enough where I wouldn't wear a bikini. I have been strength training and doing like 20 different types of crunches ones specifically said to work lower abdomen and I am not getting the results I want. I know u cant spot reduce but wont stop me from trying.I guess my stomach is not too bad compared to how it used to just hang on the bottom. Just keep trying despite all the negative responseses what do u have to lose nothing but your tummy if not u gain ab muscles even if u can't see them

    I would post to you this question: What are you hoping to accomplish by eating at maintenance?

    Also I'm willing to bet 100% that your issue is inadequate protein intake/nitrogen balance. Females never want to eat enough. Thus why you still want to eat at maintenance. When you're trying to do what you're trying to do, your protein intake needs to be high enough on a CONSISTENT basis to keep your nitrogen balance in a surplus while keeping your caloric intake at an appropriate level whether that be surplus or deficit or maintenance.

    Welcome to the world of bodybuilding Whether you like it or not. That's what you're trying to do now. And no, getting bulky is a matter of caloric intake. You're in the second parallel universe. You know the experience of the importance of proper caloric intake. Now you need to experience the importance of proper macronutrient consumption, thermic effect of food, Thyroid, etc.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    To everyone still yappin about ab work let me ask you a question since we seem to think that "ah it's better than nothing" What happens when one set of muscles is overtly stronger than it's antagonist?

    Everyone is an expert around here it seems. I mean I'm certainly not but it seems that we have a few.

    I doubt anyone thinks that only doing ab work is good. But as a part of a full workout plan I see no harm in isolating sets of muscles. I mean those with large biceps and triceps have to work them one at a time but also do other sets to make it look right.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    To everyone still yappin about ab work let me ask you a question since we seem to think that "ah it's better than nothing" What happens when one set of muscles is overtly stronger than it's antagonist?

    Everyone is an expert around here it seems. I mean I'm certainly not but it seems that we have a few.

    A greater possibility for injury... This is why to train with balance... This is one reason why i mostly recommend compound lifts. I think isolation exercises will create more imbalances. I don't follow my own advice on this right to make money..

    Indeed. I was about to reply with "just learn how to squat"

    I do/will do that enough though.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    To everyone still yappin about ab work let me ask you a question since we seem to think that "ah it's better than nothing" What happens when one set of muscles is overtly stronger than it's antagonist?

    Everyone is an expert around here it seems. I mean I'm certainly not but it seems that we have a few.

    I doubt anyone thinks that only doing ab work is good. But as a part of a full workout plan I see no harm in isolating sets of muscles. I mean those with large biceps and triceps have to work them one at a time but also do other sets to make it look right.
    Indeed, but I have NEVER in all of my 37 years on this planet seen ANYONE telling someone to "just keeping working your lower back...just keeping working your lats girl you'll get there" Lets face it...this is an issue about sex.

    What we view as sexy, attractive, acceptable, etc. When will a person be satisfied with themselves? (never) When they feel like they look like so and so or fit in a pair of jeans when they were younger and sexier. Belly fat is a keyword to sell products. It's never been talked about as much as the past 5 years on this planet. You can ask Google. God....

    lol...nah, I'm just....serious.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    unfortunately, you cannot target fat loss. It has to come off from overall fat mass.

    if I had a quarter...
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Ah I love watching the industry's brainwashing and general years of total B.S. manifest before my eyes. It's like a constant confirmation when simple logical truth destroys even the most vividly imaginative conjectures of nonsense. A whole thread about spot reduction, in 2013.5 ...equals...

    Job security

    : )
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    i got rid of my pooch before by doing lower ab exercises like laying down on the floor, lift both of my legs straight and hover about 2 inches above floor, lift til legs were straight in air, and repeat. that did it for me

    of course you did

  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    To everyone still yappin about ab work let me ask you a question since we seem to think that "ah it's better than nothing" What happens when one set of muscles is overtly stronger than it's antagonist?

    Everyone is an expert around here it seems. I mean I'm certainly not but it seems that we have a few.

    I doubt anyone thinks that only doing ab work is good. But as a part of a full workout plan I see no harm in isolating sets of muscles. I mean those with large biceps and triceps have to work them one at a time but also do other sets to make it look right.
    Indeed, but I have NEVER in all of my 37 years on this planet seen ANYONE telling someone to "just keeping working your lower back...just keeping working your lats girl you'll get there" Lets face it...this is an issue about sex.

    What we view as sexy, attractive, acceptable, etc. When will a person be satisfied with themselves? (never) When they feel like they look like so and so or fit in a pair of jeans when they were younger and sexier. Belly fat is a keyword to sell products. It's never been talked about as much as the past 5 years on this planet. You can ask Google. God....

    lol...nah, I'm just....serious.

    Ok so we are clear I never said to work only one thing but to do a full body workout. But I get what you are saying and it is something that we all need to work on. The belly fat issue may have not been talked about by Google that much except the recent past, but it has always been an issue for women. For many of us especially those who have had kids it can make us feel less sexy to our partner, not the women we were before we had it, etc. Of course the celebrity moms who a month after having a child showing up on tv in a bikini like that is the norm doesn't help matters much either. Should we be satisfied in our own appearance......yes. However, if our appearance doesn't sasitfy us we are at liberty to change what we can.

    I know after having three kids that I will never be able to have the super model figure that I may work for. However, I will continue to work to that end because trying to reach a goal is what we are all here for.
  • kelleynbrown
    kelleynbrown Posts: 17 Member
    I too have always struggled with belly fat. Clean eating (NO sugar, except fruit), cardio (circuit training mainly) and ab exercise is helping me melt mine away.

    I really enjoyed reading everyone's advice!

    Always looking for new friends. Add me :)
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    YOU CAN'T SPOT REDUCE!!!! Stop telling people you lost any part of fat by doing an exercise in that area. It confuses them. If you lost weight in that area, you lost it because you created a caloric deficit through eating and/or exercise in general and your genes were PREDISPOSED to move more fat from your stomach than some other area. Just like you might see a lady who is well over weight, but still holds a nice shape, or has a flatter stomach, or better shaped but. Some girls are more jiggly than others in different places. Some have more muscle in other places. Some have bigger boobs. Do you think you can target Boob-fat? If so how? Do more chest work?


    Lower ab work will NOT help you get rid of lower ab fat.
    Same thing with arms.

    Now you can do a butt load of ab work so that it burns more calories to help you have a higher caloric deficit. But that would be ill advised.

    You just need to keep burning fat. You can't target it. Don't forget that it's harder for females and you guys are BURDENED with the tendency to store belly fat for this crazy little idea of CHILD BIRTH!!! Sorry that a little extra fat isn't in the medias lesson of what's acceptable.

    Learn how to squat. Way better exercise than ab work.

    Thanks for the words...Now I have to find a new angle since I explained that a nice long massage would help reduce boob size....SMH...
  • mywght4lfe
    mywght4lfe Posts: 13
    I have had this baby fat for a while. I had my first child when I was 20 and then lost that weight. Then got married, then got divorced,

    then lost the depression weight, then got pregnant again when I was 29 and still lost that weight then had to quit my job to stay home

    with my youngest and have not worked a full time job in 8yrs. Then all I did was eat and watch tv, then I did a volunteer job for 9

    months in 2009 and lost some weight, then was asked to leave that job so for the last 4yrs ate and ate and was just lazy now that I

    have lost too many family members and my husband wants me to lose the weight I have to get on the ball and start eating healthier.

    Sodas, sweets, and breads are my weaknesses so I need to eat more lean meats, more veggies and fruits and stay away from the

    junk foods. But foodstamps with as little as we have does not buy that much I wish I could go back to when we were getting $600.00

    in food stamps then my family and I could start eating healthier as it is now my husband will not eat health and smokes and drinks I

    wish he would at least put the cigarettes down and only drink on occassion. I do want him around awhile longer as it will be 9yrs for

    us this coming August.
  • mywght4lfe
    mywght4lfe Posts: 13
    I have had this baby fat for a while. I had my first child when I was 20 and then lost that weight. Then got married, then got divorced,

    then lost the depression weight, then got pregnant again when I was 29 and still lost that weight then had to quit my job to stay home

    with my youngest and have not worked a full time job in 8yrs. Then all I did was eat and watch tv, then I did a volunteer job for 9

    months in 2009 and lost some weight, then was asked to leave that job so for the last 4yrs ate and ate and was just lazy now that I

    have lost too many family members and my husband wants me to lose the weight I have to get on the ball and start eating healthier.

    Sodas, sweets, and breads are my weaknesses so I need to eat more lean meats, more veggies and fruits and stay away from the

    junk foods. But foodstamps with as little as we have does not buy that much I wish I could go back to when we were getting $600.00

    in food stamps then my family and I could start eating healthier as it is now my husband will not eat health and smokes and drinks I

    wish he would at least put the cigarettes down and only drink on occassion. I do want him around awhile longer as it will be 9yrs for

    us this coming August.
  • lawmaria
    lawmaria Posts: 184 Member
    i need to know that answer for sure. after having 4 babies, my kangaroo pouch is still here and my oldest is 22 yrs old. i am doing insanity right now. i have noticed a small change in the pouch, but not much.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    i got rid of my pooch before by doing lower ab exercises like laying down on the floor, lift both of my legs straight and hover about 2 inches above floor, lift til legs were straight in air, and repeat. that did it for me

    leg raises? Cool, I've been doing those as part of an Ab challenge!
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    I've had my little lower belly pouch since having my son, but have noticed a huge difference doing reverse crunches aswell as eating my TDEE-20% :)
  • alethea88
    alethea88 Posts: 112 Member
    I did some cardio and yogalates everyday before and I can see my toned abs in the mirror after 1 month but when I stop working out for a week (eat a lot too) my abs is like a muffin.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Do your ab work now, today. When the fat does finally leave, you will have marvelous structure. Everything you do today is a bonus for tomorrow.