Discouraged after trying on new clothes.

I'll start by saying that I realize I'm being impatient and unrealistic.

Now that that's out of the way....

I have recently lost over 40 lbs. I am 5' 11'' and on May 1st I was at 249 lbs. I am now at 209 lbs. thanks to my new Apple Watch, my bike, my elliptical machine, and ESPECIALLY to MyFitnessPal. I want to lose at least another 40 lbs. if not more, and I truly believe I'm going to reach that goal.

One of my big issues has been with clothes. Over the last couple of weeks, I have had to accept that my old clothes are simply becoming unwearable. My dress pants all bunch up at the back, my belts are all on their last hole and are still too big, and I'm swimming in all my summer T shirts and shorts. I'm trying to buy new clothing as the occasion arises just to spread out the costs of replacing my wardrobe a little bit. I'm also trying to remember that even my new clothes aren't going to fit me anymore if I reach my goal, so it's going to get even more expensive soon.

Last night I went to buy a new outfit for a funeral my wife and I will be attending on Saturday. I haven't bought new dress clothes in YEARS, so even though the reason I was buying them was awful, I was still interested to see how I looked in dress clothes now that I'm significantly littler.

I was not happy.

My "spare tire" area is starting to look kind of......weird. My stomach is definitely smaller and leaner now, but toward the bottom I have these divots on either side of my belly and the fat below that seems like it's just kind of separating from my body. It also feels kind of weird like it's just kind of hanging there now.

Sorry to be gross--I didn't know how else to describe it. I feel like that part of my body is never going to go away and that it's always going to look bad. My dad keeps telling me that when I lose a pound I lose it from everywhere and that the belly is always last to go. Is that generally true, or am I probably stuck with a spare tire?


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Did you try on other suits as well? We all look good in some clothes, and not so great in others. Maybe try a different brand of something.

    That said, 40 pounds since May 1 seems quick-isn't that about 13 weeks, or about 3 pounds a week? (please correct me if I'm wrong). In any event, quick weight loss often results in loose skin. Have you thought about slowing down the weight loss a little bit?
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    edited July 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Did you try on other suits as well? We all look good in some clothes, and not so great in others. Maybe try a different brand of something.

    That said, 40 pounds since May 1 seems quick-isn't that about 13 weeks, or about 3 pounds a week? (please correct me if I'm wrong). In any event, quick weight loss often results in loose skin. Have you thought about slowing down the weight loss a little bit?


    It is quick, but I'm not doing anything unhealthy to make it go that fast. I'm eating about 1800 calories a day, but keeping my net calories down to 1500 by biking or doing the elliptical every day. I also don't do any "cheat days" and rarely go over 1500.

    I don't want to stop the cardio because it has brought my blood pressure WAY down and has made me feel better in general. I have also rediscovered how much I love biking--something I haven't done since jr. high! Also, I would hate to slow it down if this is just how my body reacts in general.

    Will my skin eventually catch up with everything else? I guess I'm just wondering if this is most likely something temporary that I have to deal with--if it's temporary I think the pros outweigh the cons!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    40 lb is a great accomplishment. Kudos to you! Sorry to hear you are discouraged about clothes, and sorry also for the sadness of the occasion. The cut/design of a garment can make a huge difference, so shop around. Was a salesperson helping you and did you tell him honestly what you were thinking? A knowledgeable salesperson knows what lines compliment what body types. I hate shopping. So overwhelmed with the choices. I'm useless without a good salesperson who knows the stock. Try again and really work with a salesperson to find something you LIKE. Best of luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Did you try on other suits as well? We all look good in some clothes, and not so great in others. Maybe try a different brand of something.

    That said, 40 pounds since May 1 seems quick-isn't that about 13 weeks, or about 3 pounds a week? (please correct me if I'm wrong). In any event, quick weight loss often results in loose skin. Have you thought about slowing down the weight loss a little bit?


    It is quick, but I'm not doing anything unhealthy to make it go that fast. I'm eating about 1800 calories a day, but keeping my net calories down to 1500 by biking or doing the elliptical every day. I also don't do any "cheat days" and rarely go over 1500.

    I don't want to stop the cardio because it has brought my blood pressure WAY down and has made me feel better in general. I have also rediscovered how much I love biking--something I haven't done since jr. high! Also, I would hate to slow it down if this is just how my body reacts in general.

    Will my skin eventually catch up with everything else?

    Chris, you would continue whatever exercise suits you. You just go into MFP and change your rate of weight loss. For example, if you goal was to lose 2 pounds a week, you might want to raise it to lose only 1 pound a week.

    When I first started my weight loss journey, I lost weight quicker than what I had set my goals for. I ended up increasing my activity level one notch and decided to set my goals to lose 1 pound a week (then .5 pounds a week when I has about 20 to 25 pounds left to lose). I'm glad I did this, and so is my skin. :)
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member

    Chris, you would continue whatever exercise suits you. You just go into MFP and change your rate of weight loss. For example, if you goal was to lose 2 pounds a week, you might want to raise it to lose only 1 pound a week.

    When I first started my weight loss journey, I lost weight quicker than what I had set my goals for. I ended up increasing my activity level one notch and decided to set my goals to lose 1 pound a week (then .5 pounds a week when I has about 20 to 25 pounds left to lose). I'm glad I did this, and so is my skin. :)

    Well--it's not just skin though--it's definitely belly fat. I'm assuming it eventually goes away. It just looks so odd at the moment.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    You could always go to Goodwills and find some great clothing for cheap. That way it won't feel as bad when you outgrow them.

    Doing some strength training could help the area. A nice mix of that and cardio.

    We all get discouraged but keep on doing what you love.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Chris, you would continue whatever exercise suits you. You just go into MFP and change your rate of weight loss. For example, if you goal was to lose 2 pounds a week, you might want to raise it to lose only 1 pound a week.

    When I first started my weight loss journey, I lost weight quicker than what I had set my goals for. I ended up increasing my activity level one notch and decided to set my goals to lose 1 pound a week (then .5 pounds a week when I has about 20 to 25 pounds left to lose). I'm glad I did this, and so is my skin. :)

    Well--it's not just skin though--it's definitely belly fat. I'm assuming it eventually goes away. It just looks so odd at the moment.

    Just keep going! :) You can do this!

    Keep in mind, though, none of us get to choose where the fat leaves first, last, or whenever.
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    Chris, you would continue whatever exercise suits you. You just go into MFP and change your rate of weight loss. For example, if you goal was to lose 2 pounds a week, you might want to raise it to lose only 1 pound a week.

    When I first started my weight loss journey, I lost weight quicker than what I had set my goals for. I ended up increasing my activity level one notch and decided to set my goals to lose 1 pound a week (then .5 pounds a week when I has about 20 to 25 pounds left to lose). I'm glad I did this, and so is my skin. :)

    Well--it's not just skin though--it's definitely belly fat. I'm assuming it eventually goes away. It just looks so odd at the moment.

    Just keep going! :) You can do this!

    Keep in mind, though, none of us get to choose where the fat leaves first, last, or whenever.

    Oh, I'm definitely not stopping now--at this point I think it would be easier to keep going than to quit. I'm definitely in a rhythm. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member

    Chris, you would continue whatever exercise suits you. You just go into MFP and change your rate of weight loss. For example, if you goal was to lose 2 pounds a week, you might want to raise it to lose only 1 pound a week.

    When I first started my weight loss journey, I lost weight quicker than what I had set my goals for. I ended up increasing my activity level one notch and decided to set my goals to lose 1 pound a week (then .5 pounds a week when I has about 20 to 25 pounds left to lose). I'm glad I did this, and so is my skin. :)

    Well--it's not just skin though--it's definitely belly fat. I'm assuming it eventually goes away. It just looks so odd at the moment.

    Sometimes it does look odd on the way down and out. Just try to see it as a sign of progress and stick with what you are doing.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,545 Member
    You know, I lost about 40lbs, have a BMI of around 20 and am 125lbs and still don't fit in any fashionable women clothes. It's just the shape of my body that doesn't agree with fashion - and fashion being terrible at the moment (and for the last few years). *rant* Please, please fashion industry: give me some real trousers again. You know, no leggings, no jeans, no trousers that look like sports clothes, that don't go over the belly button or have lower legs so tight that hardly anyone can wear them. Please?
  • katieno7
    katieno7 Posts: 15 Member
    The separation and divot thing that you referred to... I like to think of it as my fat melting away. It looks really weird while you are in the middle of weight loss, but once you stabilize to maintenence, it does get better for most people. Good luck on the journey!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Some people do find that they go through stages where they think things actually look worse for a while. Sometimes the fat can get a little more squishy and soft as it's not so 'hard packed' for lack of better term so will sag more and may cause more of a muffin top affect with any pants that are even the right size.
    Plus we don't lose fat equally all over our body. I lose mine first all from the chest up, then start to lose my tummy and thighs afterward.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »

    Chris, you would continue whatever exercise suits you. You just go into MFP and change your rate of weight loss. For example, if you goal was to lose 2 pounds a week, you might want to raise it to lose only 1 pound a week.

    When I first started my weight loss journey, I lost weight quicker than what I had set my goals for. I ended up increasing my activity level one notch and decided to set my goals to lose 1 pound a week (then .5 pounds a week when I has about 20 to 25 pounds left to lose). I'm glad I did this, and so is my skin. :)

    Well--it's not just skin though--it's definitely belly fat. I'm assuming it eventually goes away. It just looks so odd at the moment.

    Just keep going! :) You can do this!

    Keep in mind, though, none of us get to choose where the fat leaves first, last, or whenever.

    Oh, I'm definitely not stopping now--at this point I think it would be easier to keep going than to quit. I'm definitely in a rhythm. Thanks for the encouragement!
    Well done with your weight loss. You have come so far. Please don't give up now keep up the great work. Everything will fall into place as you exercise more. Best of luck with the next 40lbs. :smile:
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I've always carried a lot of my fat on my belly and after losing my first few pounds it started to shrink, but it didn't just get smaller and flatter like I'd hoped, it actually changed shape. Kind of looked like a melting candle or silly putty.
    But then I lost a few more pounds and the weirdly shaped fat started to disappear too. I only have about 20 pounds to lose in total so I'd imagine the weird body shape changes we go through would be even more pronounced on someone with more to lose.
    Human bodies are just weird things.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Congratulations. be patient. Most say that their saggy skin improves with time.

    This is where the discussion of nutrition comes up....poor nutrition while dieting is a disaster for skin. Some find that their self care with things like moisturizing and massage were ignored while they were over weight. Learning some new self care habits can be really rewarding and it might be time to shop for a really great skin oil or moisturizer.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    40lbs in 2 months is alarmingly fast. You dont have a choice where it comes off, just be patient. I would think you will have some loose skin, but dont let that out you off. If you arent doing any resistance weights then you should be. As you arent going to be that weight for long then dont invest too heavily in clothes at this stage.
  • JoAnnRyan123
    JoAnnRyan123 Posts: 110 Member
    Everyone is so positive that I hate yo be a party pooper; but my guess is you will have some loose skin- permanently. To minimize this effect, lose the weight slower and once you reach your goal weight make muscle building a priority. You can fill in the loose skin with a six pack
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    40lbs in 2 months is alarmingly fast. You dont have a choice where it comes off, just be patient. I would think you will have some loose skin, but dont let that out you off. If you arent doing any resistance weights then you should be. As you arent going to be that weight for long then dont invest too heavily in clothes at this stage.

    It's actually been 3 months.

    As far as weights, I have two degenerative bulging discs in my lower back so I really have to watch it on the toning exercises.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I hear ya man. I look like a melting candle some days!

    Some research was done (I can dig it up if you like) which showed that visceral fat (the fat crowding your internal organs) is the first to go. I think that's why that separation look happens. You lost the anchoring visceral fat but still have the subcutaneous stuff.

    As for the clothing, you obvious got a bad suit shop around for your new body!