Not feeling it at all...

Hey guys,
Having one of those really rubbish days where you feel like all the hard work is amounting to nothing! Been so good for 2 weeks now running 3 times a week core workout app the rest of it. Still weighing the same :/ not expecting miracles over night but something to keep me motivated would be nice! I'm eating the right stuff, cut out bread, white potatoes and no snacks at all! Anyone else had this issue? I'm not gonna quit just lacking in motivation right now. X


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    in order to lose body weight, you have to eat at a deficit.
    You also need to fuel your body, specially if you are working out. You need complex carbs to fuel your running.
    I eat potatoes of any color (not fried, too many calories) and I snack mid morning and mid afternoon.
    Also, "spot reducing" does not work. I wish it would, but not, unfortunately.
    Workout all parts of your body, not only the core. Follow a weight lifting program, there are many. Eat more healthy protein to conserve your muscle. Eat some healthy fat to meet your macros, after the protein and complex carbs
    You have to manage your expectations. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition that requires cutting all that stuff out, or you are in a challenge or training for something that would require it, I'd suggest loosening the reigns a little to prevent getting burnt out. You can eat bread, potatoes and snacks and still lose weight. Just make sure your diet is balanced. It's good to cut back on some things but you proabably don't have to cut them out completely.