How often do you weigh yourself?



  • m1shym0n5ter
    m1shym0n5ter Posts: 1 Member
    Don't go over the top with all the weighing. Somedays it can make you feel really terrible and it would just because you had alot of water or something. I would recommend weighing in only every week or if you can't stand it maybe every 3-4 days. But, it's ok if you aren't dropping pounds like crazy because you have done the most important step--BEGIN!!!
    Point being, you are gorgeous so just be happy and enjoy the moment because spending time thinking about the scale is no fun :(
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Rarely. I go by the mirror or "will my shorts button comfortably"?
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Every morning after peeing. I don't get bent when I see gains because I know weight will fluctuate, but it helps me keep track of issues with foods I ate the day before so it's helpful to me. I only log it once a week though.
  • tphil58
    tphil58 Posts: 89 Member
    I am only about 6 weeks into this journey towards health and right now I weigh most days. I am not concerned if there are minor fluctuations, just want to make sure that it is not an upward trend. When I hit a new low more than one day in a row I log it. Sounds like everyone is figuring out what works for them! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jendemi
    jendemi Posts: 115
    I weigh myself every friday. I try hard to not ficate on the number as right now my body is building muscle. I determine my weight loss in regards to inches lost. I measured my arms, neck ,wasit, hips, and thighs. Those areas are getting smaller as well as my clothes. I feel like I am making progess even if I am not seeing the scale move as much!
  • pkbone
    pkbone Posts: 5 Member
    I usually weigh daily right after I get up. That way I can see the small variations from day to day and I don't freak out if there's a gain on my official weigh-in day.
  • chaosbutterfly
    chaosbutterfly Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh myself three times a day LOL.
    Once when I wake up after using the bathroom, once as soon as I get home, and once right before I hop into bed.
    I don't know why, but that's just the habit I've fallen into.

    Some people would call it obsessive, but it works for me, especially because it has helped desensitize me to the scale.
    It used to be that the number on the scale would set my mood for the rest of the day. If it was down, I was a ray of sunshine all day long. But if it was up, stay out of my way.
    But I think because I'm always on the scale now, I'm used to seeing fluctuations and am not affected by them anymore.
    Instead of being terrified of the scale, it's like an old friend at this point. Sometimes we love each other and other times we hurt each other's feelings lol. It is what is is.

    I only actually log my weight once a week/every other week, and the number I use is the one I take first thing in the morning.
    And I take my measurements twice a month, on the first and last days of the month.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    Every two weeks?
    Right now my scale at home doesn't seem to work right. It's saying I lost 13 lbs. in a week! Don't think that is right.
    I might go to my dr. office to weigh myself; just to have the number. Not really sure.
  • caitlynah12
    At the end of everyday. I'm debating changing it to once a week, though. My weight fluctuates a lot everyday (dunno why that was so surprising to me ha) it gets so discouraging and the scale can really sour my mood. I'm trying to focus more on how my clothes fit -a lot of them are loose! :)
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I wrote the following on another thread with the same title:

    I weigh myself daily but I take the long-term picture into account. I got into the habit of daily weighing in 2001-2002. During that weight loss I took a weekly average:


    The averages give a smoother decrease than either daily or weekly numbers because the fluctuations are evened out.

    These days I log only a decrease in weight. This shows my progress from Sept. 2012 to Feb. 2013:


    (To update to the present day, just continue that line at a bit shallower angle.)

    The long stretches between diamonds represent plateaus and are where my scale numbers go up and down and up again for a while, until they continue to go down. I just make sure I'm doing the right things and remain patient.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Once in the morning and once before bed!! Everyday.
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    Every morning when I get up, then again after exercise simply because I am usually down 500 to 700 grams after exercise. I weigh every day to keep me accountable. If I waited till once a week I fear I would not be strict enough.