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My August mission

Hello :smile:

I started here towards the end of January this year, with the aim of losing 2 stone. I weighed 175lbs and did no exercise whatsoever. I managed to achieve this, tracking on here, I completed C25K, I joined the gym and bought a new bike. I had lost 2 stone by the end of June and for the last month or so have maintained at 147lbs give or take a lb either way. This was mainly because I had an ankle injury which has limited my options and I have found it hard to stick to my calorie goals when I'm not doing as much exercise.

I work in a school so am lucky that I do not have to work at all in August, so I thought this was the perfect time to get myself back on track and I have set myself a new challenge;

Currently I weigh approx 10 stone 7lbs (will give accurate figure tomorrow morning), by the end of August I want to weigh 9 st 13lbs. I intend to do this by:
  • Sticking to my daily calorie goals (eating back 50% max of exercise calories)
  • Walking 12,000 steps a day
  • Doing some form of exercise each day for at least 30 minutes

Tomorrow is my birthday, I will be taking lots of 'before' pictures which I will upload here. Can't wait to get started! :smiley:


  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day one :)

    So I weighed myself as soon as I got up and the scales said 149.5lbs :o I know this is fair as I have been out for dinner for the last two nights (early birthday treats). So, that makes my goal 10.5lbs to lose this month. I know its achievable and I am excited about doing this. My boyfriend is going to take my pictures this morning for me but he's still asleep at the moment so that will have to wait a bit.

    Today I have a kettlercise class booked at the gym this morning and I am going to go into the gym and do some cardio too. I went shopping yesterday and treated myself to some new leggings and a top for the gym so I have nice new sparkly clothes to wear there.

    Later on we (Me, my partner and son) are going to take our bikes into the forest and have a lovely bike ride. I do need to do a food shopping order as I don't want to risk temptation by not having healthy food in, at the moment the salad drawer is looking a bit sad so that will be my first job this morning.

    So, todays to do list:
    • Take before photos
    • Walk 12,000 steps
    • Kettlercise class
    • Gym workout
    • Bike ride
    • Drink tonnes of water as I have been rubbish at this recently
    • Food shopping
    • Have a Happy Birthday :D
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You have a good plan. Happy birthday! smiley-happy012.gif
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Before pictures ...


  • gela130
    gela130 Posts: 50 Member
    good luck!
  • Beploveshomer
    Beploveshomer Posts: 283 Member
    I need to lose 10 pounds too! Hopefully this month! I am 5'8" and 180 and I would like to weigh 170. I have a very similar shape to you, same butt! haha! I have my cals set at 1500 and it is a struggle! I need to start exercising more. My reward is a whole new batch of new undies because I refuse to buy new ones in a size 8!! lol
    Good luck! Can't wait to see your progress!
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Well its been a great day - I went to the gym and did 55 minutes cardio; 20 mins on the bike, 20 mins on the elliptical, 10 mins treadmill and 5 mins on the wave machine (a bit like roller blading movement). Then I did kettlercise which was a killer today, probably because I'd done cardio first in the gym.

    After lunch we did 5 miles on our bikes but we then decided to take the dog for a walk in the forest instead. All was good except we got lost and ended up walking further than planned (small dog who only has short legs :blush: ). Anyway, we made it back and then had a lovely chicken salad for dinner.

    Take before photos DONE
    Walk 12,000 steps DONE 22,213 :smiley:
    Kettlercise class DONE
    Gym workout DONE
    Bike ride DONE 5 MILES
    Drink tonnes of water as I have been rubbish at this recently DONE - APPROX 3 LITRES TODAY
    Food shopping ONLY GOT BITS FOR TODAY
    Have a Happy Birthday DONE !!

    Bring on day two!
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Two:

    Starting weight: 149.5lbs
    Current weight: 147.5lbs

    Morning! Two lbs gone which is a great start! The sun is shining here again today, I've woken up quite early but am having a lazy lie-in with the laptop. At the moment there's not much planned for today, other than seeing some family members this afternoon, which is great as it give me plenty of opportunity to get my daily goals done.

    Todays goals:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Gym workout
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Book fitness classes for this week
  • atif_2k2
    atif_2k2 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow. Im cheering you on. Im a teacher too and plan on losing 2kg in august as we have summer holidays!
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    Happy birthday! Mine was yesterday too! Those sound like great goals. Good luck
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you all for the support, feel free to join in too if you like :smile:

    Today has been another good day, the weather here has been lovely. I had quite a lazy morning, took the dog for a walk then my brother came over. After that I went to the gym with my son and I did 1 minutes on the bike, 5 minutes on the handbike, 20 minutes on the crosstrainer and 20 minutes on the treadmill.

    Later on we took the dog for a walk along the beach and I've just had dinner, sweet and sour chicken with rice, which leaves me with enough calories for my favourite treat, 2 squares of Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel, and 10 mint imperials. First off though I'm off for a nice bath with bubbles and a book :smiley:

    Todays goals:
    12,000 steps DONE 12,294
    Gym workout DONE
    Book fitness classes for this week DONE, 3 KETTLEBELL CLASSES AND 2 ABS CLASSES BOOKED

  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Three:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 147.25lbs

    Had a rubbish sleep last night, the dog had tummy ache all night and wouldn't settle, so I reckon I got about 3 hours uninterrupted sleep and now feel like I've been hit by a truck. Needless to say the dog is now fast asleep.

    Today I need to do the food shopping properly for the week, I have a kettlebell class booked for late afternoon and I will do some cardio in the gym then too. Other than that I have a fairly free day, I may start deep-cleaning the flat, I do this each summer room by room, absolutely gutting it and cleaning it to within an inch of its life :smile:

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • kettlebell class
    • gym workout
    • drink 2 litres of water
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Third day completed! I took my Mum to the supermarket and we both did our shopping, then I took the dog for a nice walk in the park and along the cliff top at the beach. The deep cleaning hasn't started yet although I did buy rubber gloves :wink:

    I went to the gym and did 20 mins jogging, 20 mins cross-trainer & 15 mins bike followed by my kettlebell class. I managed to use the 8kg bell for most of it, switching to the 6kg for the abs work and the clean and press. I am really chuffed with this as I started kettlebells a couple of months ago and could only manage the 4kg bell.

    I've just had a lovely bath with a gorgeous bath bomb in it, eaten my nightly choccy and mints and am going to spend the rest of the evening chilling on the sofa with the laptop. Bring on day 4 :smiley:

    Todays List:
    12,000 steps DONE 12,214
    kettlebell class DONE
    gym workout DONE
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Best of luck.

    I'm not sure how reasonable it is to expect to lose 10.5 pounds in a month when it took you 5 months to lose 28 pounds.
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    I know Jemhh, perhaps it is a bit too much to do but hopefully I'll be there or thereabouts :smile: My logic on it was I have a whole month off work which lets me focus on my fitness / weight goals in a way that I can't the rest of the year. Like I said I have maintained for a month or so and struggled to stick to my calories, so I'm hoping that over the first few days I will lose a few pounds like when we start on our journey, but ultimately every bit of weight that is gone is getting me nearer to my goal. So far (I know its only the third August today) I have religiously counted and weighed every calorie, something I haven't been good at doing for a while :smile:
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Four:

    Starting Weight: 149.lbs
    Current Weight: 147.5lbs

    So my weight has gone up by 0.25lbs this morning, I've been doing mfp long enough now though to not let it worry me and history tells me that I should get a whoosh soon and it will drop. I know that I am logging properly and doing enough movement to burn tonnes of calories so I am trusting the system to work once my body decides to play ball :wink:

    Today my son has a friend coming over for the day, so I am going to the gym first thing to do a gym workout and then I have my abs with kettlebells class at 9. Once his mate is here they can amuse themselves and I will get on with some housework before taking them to the fair this afternoon. While they are there I will walk the dog.

    Todays list is pretty similar to the rest of the week but with a real focus in drinking my water and doing my steps.

    Todays list:
    • 12,000 steps
    • gym workout
    • Abs class
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Pedicure & fake tan on legs
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Another day completed and it was another successful one. I did half an hour at the gym this morning, ( 10 mins on each of treadmill, cross trainer and bike). Then I did the abs class using a 4kg kettlebell, I used the 6kg last week but it was too much for me just on abs. I dropped the kids at the fair this afternoon and went to the beach with the dog for an hour or so which was lovely. Tonight I have cleared out a few cupboards and started a general de-clutter before the deep cleaning begins. I have taken four bin liners out to go to the tip.

    Todays list:
    12,000 steps DONE 13,662
    gym workout DONE
    Abs class DONE
    Drink 2 litres of water DONE
    Pedicure & fake tan on legs NOT DONE - WILL CARRY OVER TO TOMORROW

    Tomorrow I am going to the local zoo with a trip organised via school. Hopefully that will mean I do lots of walking :) I will take a packed lunch so that I am not tempted into eating lots of lovely junk in the cafe.
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Five:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 147.2lbs

    Hmm, those pesky pounds don't want to shift! I'm not going to let it get to me, onwards and upwards and all that. Today I'm not planning on going to the gym, just lots of walking around the zoo, and lots of drinking water so maybe tomorrow will be the day when I get under 10.5stone :wink:

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Fake tan / pedicure from yesterday
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day five just about done, the zoo was good, there was an utterly gorgeous pygmy hippo there that I just wanted to bring home, he just looked so squishy and I couldn't help but think thank goodness he's a hippo not a human as he would probably be plagued with insecurities about his chunky bum and his podgy belly when in all truthfulness he was absolutely beautiful :)

    The zoo wasn't as big as I hoped so the steps didn't rack up that high. I did take the dog for a walk when I got home. Currently I'm on 11,275 so I will be doing a few laps of my flat before bed tonight!

    Tomorrow I have some shopping to do and the gym to hit.

    Todays List:
    12,000 steps ALMOST THERE ....
    Drink 2 litres of water DONE
    Fake tan / pedicure from yesterday DONE
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Aw, pygmy hippos are so cute. I got to play with a baby one once. He was too adorable for words. Glad you had fun at the zoo, I love zoos (which is good considering I work at one!)

    Well done on your progress so far. Don't get caught up with the number on the scale, keep doing what you are and it will drop!
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Six:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 147.5lbs

    Thanks CaptainBoing, you're right about the numbers but its frustrating as I know I'm logging everything properly, maybe tomorrow it will show on the scales!

    Today is another gym day, I don't have any classes booked today so I am going to go and do an hour or so of cardio. I may do some of the weight machines too although I do now prefer my kettlebell classes to the machines.

    After that I have a few errands to run and a dog to walk. My son is off on holiday with his Dad next week so I need to make sure he's got everything he needs to take and get his clothes ironed etc.

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Gym workout
    • Collect shopping
    • Walk dog
    • Sort Monsters holiday clothes
    • Write a thankyou note to my aunt
    • Book haircut