what to do? helpppp

I'm starting to go to the gym now. What should I do there? How many calories should I be burning and eating? I need help please.


  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    Well, without any details, I can only offer walking. Start slow and increase pace and length slowly. :-)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Just go. Don't worry about what you should burn. Use an elliptical or machine you are familiar with at a pace that is comfortable.

    Put your stats into this app and eat the amount of calories it gives you.
  • JennJJ07
    JennJJ07 Posts: 6 Member
    Does your gym offer a free session with a trainer? Do that to get some guidance
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member

    JennJJ07 wrote: »
    Does your gym offer a free session with a trainer? Do that to get some guidance

    Agree. Most gyms will offer a free induction at the very least.

    What are you interested in? Cardio? Free weights? When I first started I used the treadmill and the elliptical and spent a lot if time watching people. I'd watch people who look how I want to look and see what exercises they are doing, then I'd try them at my own level and work up. In fact, I still do this now.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    kindrabbit wrote: »
    JennJJ07 wrote: »
    Does your gym offer a free session with a trainer? Do that to get some guidance

    Agree. Most gyms will offer a free induction at the very least.

    What are you interested in? Cardio? Free weights? When I first started I used the treadmill and the elliptical and spent a lot if time watching people. I'd watch people who look how I want to look and see what exercises they are doing, then I'd try them at my own level and work up. In fact, I still do this now.

  • nootie91
    nootie91 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello you guys thank you!!!! For more detail in trying to lose 100lbs and tone at the same time have a nice butt stomach arms legs etc. I love walking and power walking the treadmill and getting on the bike. I'm willing to do anything to reach my goal. And my gym does off trainers but I can't really afford that as of now.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Find something you like and that you can commit to. Not forever, it is fine to get bored and look for something new, but e.g. something you can see yourself doing a few times per week until next summer. What do you think is interesting? If it is a daily long walk and nothing more formal, awesome, this is a good way to get fit and burn calories. If it is a class, a sport, swimming, lifting weights, go for it. If you have no idea what you want to do, then start with something simple as the basis, like walking and then experiment with a few different things to add to this. For weight loss, you need to focus on eating less calories, exercise is for general fitness and health. So, especially as a beginner, it does not really matter what you do, so much as moving and getting into the habit of exercising.
  • nootie91
    nootie91 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes thank u for that I love walking on the treadmill and doing the bike! I have my eating down pack with calories and I meal prep! I'm just incorporating the fitness part now so I can put a lil kick to my goal and be all the way around healthy.