Overcoming weight gain from psychotropic meds

Hi! I'm a bit discouraged because I can't seem to loose weight on all my different meds, but I'm excited to try some new things. Anyone else out there on an anti-psychotic who has some advice?


  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    Anti-psychotics made me starving hungry. I put on 25kg in 6 months on Zyprexa because I ate everything I could find. I had to change to a different anti-psychotic (Largactil) that was still associated with weight gain but to a lesser degree. I was able to manage my hunger better on that drug and counting calories here I lost all the weight I put on (later gained it back on another psych med).

    Anti-psychotics only make you gain weight because they make you hungry. If you can manage your hunger levels enough to eat a deficit you can still lose weight on them, but it is difficult. Focus on foods with a very low calorie density, like vegetables.

    And talk to your doctors.