Good morning

I have been using MyFitnessPal app now for a good few months, and really seeing great progress in my weight loss, eating habits and my triathlon training. It would be great to hear from any other active, sporty people to share advise, success stories, recipes, training or general chit chat. Have a good day.


  • Claire5520
    Claire5520 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi.. Whereabouts are you based? I'm a runner moving into triathlon, in the north east.
  • bucklandt33
    bucklandt33 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh hi Jivegirl, so sorry, I've just literally seen your message. I log on every day and don't know how I seemed to have missed it. Lovely to hear from you anyway, yeah I'm South East London, and in my second year of triathlon now. I'm absolutely loving it (even though it's pretty hard work) I've only entered Sprint distances so far (750m swim / 20k bike / 5k run) but after competing in 3 races this year with one more in October, I feel will take the plunge into Olympic distance next year. I joined a great tri club which I think is probably the best thing to do, so you can train with like minded people. So I say, yeah go for it. I'll add you as a friend, so please feel free to chat. Tony