how to fit in exercise mum of toddler and newborn

Hi! I'm just starting to try to lose the baby weight (for the second and final time)
last time I had a really bad birth and basically couldn't exercise or try to lose the weight until 6 months after dd was born, I went back to work after 8 months so I used to go to the gym at 6;30 before going to work as dh had to get dd up and dressed anyway. I would drive to work 1st (1hr commute) so I was up at 5-5;30 to manage this.
this time I had a csection and thankfully a much better experience so I should be bale to exercise in a couple of weeks. BUT I have no clue how to fit it in. Ideally I would LOVE To go to the gym but they all open at 6;30 and dd gets up at 7am-7;30 now and hubby has to get himself ready for work so I would have to be home for 7;30 at the latest, which by the time i'd driven home would give me literally 30 minutes, last time I would do 60 -90 minutes 4 times a week!
I'm a terrible runner but can see this being an option as at least I can do it any time and theres no driving time to add in, but I am just not a huge fan and am worried that its not going to tone my arms etc like a gym workout would.
other options are fitness dvds but never done these so wouldn't know where to start/how effective these are!
last option is to buy 1 piece of home gym equipment. I was thinking a rowing machine as at least these do most muscle groups, would they tone me up? I could mix this with running too? only issue is my budget is pretty slim, am I better buying 2nd hand and what do I need to look for to get a decent workout? any tips??


  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Does your gym have childcare? I bring my son to the gym all the time.

    If that's not an option their are so many different dvd's that are effective and you could try. P90x and insanity are two popular ones :)
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    While I hate recommending Globo Gyms, if there is a Planet Fitness in your area they would be a great place for you. Most are open 24/5 and charge $10-$20/mo. You could get in at 5am and do your thing and get home in plenty of time.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Workout dvd? That's what I do, and I have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Stop having babies, send them to preschool. :bigsmile:


    It all depends on what's available to you. If you have a treadmill, you can do couch to 5k or some other app during nap-time, you can go to a gym that offers child care, you can increase your NEAT by going 'out' with them more often... go for walks etc.

    If I miss a lifting workout, I throw my son around and get a workout in that way... you just have to be creative and flexible with what you do.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    You could start with some Youtube workouts. 30 day shred level one is available on youtube, and it's very time-effective as an added bonus. Also, remember, this time will pass (thank gawd) and you'll get your life back. Baby Jail.
  • bdoudrick
    bdoudrick Posts: 1
    Hi there. I've never posted on here before but your problem is right up my alley so I thought I would try. I completely understand, we have three boys all under the age of 6, we commute an hour one way to work each day and are completely pressed for time to spend with the family let alone work out. It can be a huge challenge and one that I don't underestimate at all.

    For myself, I'm lucky enough to have a gym at work so I usually get in a few classes a week while I am here. I take vacation time to do it but for me it's worth the time. My husband and I are also planning to buy the Insanity workout which can be expensive but I've heard it's worth it, and you can probably buy it used from someone else. Those are about an hour and you can do it at home with no extra equipment. We plan to workout in our basement and bring the baby monitors down after the kids go to sleep.

    If none of that works just make your time with your kids exercise. We would try and fit in walks at night and would put our boys in backpack carriers to burn extra calories. They got outside and we got a workout while still having fun together. I think the biggest thing that parents like us mistake is that you need "official workout time". You don't really, you can find a workout anywhere, we just have to get creative with it. Do squats while cooking dinner, use soup cans to do some reps while waiting for water to boil. It can be overwhelming to find "time" during the day to carve out but once you start to figure out the little changes you can make it will open up a bunch more choices.

    Let me know how it goes. I'm 17lbs down with another 17-20 to go, slow road but worth it. Take care.
  • 15off
    15off Posts: 48 Member
    Walk with the baby! I lost most of my baby weight (the second time) by taking the baby for long walks in the stroller after she had been fed and was ready to nap- she would fall asleep and I would walk for an hour. You can also do things like push ups and crunches throughout the day- take 5 minutes to hit the floor and do a set of crunches and a set of push ups and repeat 3 times a day. The problem with dragging yourself to the gym is you will be exhausted and your workouts and eventually eating habits will suffer...and you will not be happy or feel/look good if you are exhausted or tired all the time.
    Save the gym workouts for once a week, maybe on the weekends when your hubby is home with the kids and you can take your time. Honestly if you are careful about what you eat, walk 40-60 mins at a brisk pace, and do push ups and crunches and maybe add squats you dont need much else to help lose the pounds and tone up. Good LUCK!
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I have a two year old and he loves to do Zumba on the Wii with me! He'll also do my ab workouts on youtube. Of course sometimes he's just not in good mood, so it can get tough those days. I can't afford a gym membership (unfortunately because I'd love to go to a live zumba class, swim, use the weight room etc) Take the time when you can, do what you can. :flowerforyou:
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I agree. My gym has a daycare most days of the week. I think they make double jogging strollers...They may be pricey though. You could try a local twins group to see if someone might have one for sale.

    The internet has a variety of exercises you can do with the baby.
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    I have a 6 yr old (that I homeschool) a 5 yr old and a 9 month old. I dont have a gym near me so thats not an option. I do work out DVDs. I really like Jillian Michaels! "Ripped in 30" and "30 day shred" I can easily fit in the half hour video while the baby is napping. It is strength training (so you strengthen muscles all over the body) cardio and abs. I really like what it does for me!! And its not really expensive. I got "Ripped in 30" for under $20. I highly recommend! You can make this work with babies! :smile: Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I have a 6 year old and an almost 2 year old and work full time. I run on the weekends either during nap time for one of them or before anyone gets up. I try to run one day during the week outside and then go to the gym 2 nights after they go to bed. You definitely don't have to run outside, you could walk, family walk, or do videos. I have gotten a few off of youtube-the Jillian Michaels ones are on there. At least then you can try it out before you buy it.