Weighing Times

Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to mfp but have lost 6.5lbs already. I was weighing myself every morning before eating or drinking anything and it's encouraging to see the scale move down but I really struggle with the mornings where the scale jumps up a pound or two. Even though I know it's because I ate a little too much salt or had a large dinner the night before, I'm thinking that it would probably be best to weigh myself once a week. How often do you all weigh yourself?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It varies, based on the person. I weigh myself every morning after I use the toilette. I like to see every new low. If I weighed every Saturday, I'd be wondering if Friday or Sunday would've been a pound lower. It's a little crazy and a wee bit obsessive on my part. I own that. ;)

    If the minor fluctuations big you, weigh once a week! No reason to drive yourself batty! I kind of wish I could do that.

    If you weigh every day, the numbers will always be jumping around, so don't get on the emotional rollercoaster if you don't have to. Be sensible and weigh weekly. :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited August 2015
    I weigh every 1-2 weeks. I was supposed to weigh this morning, but I was over my sodium yesterday, so didn't bother.
    This is how my weigh days stretch out from 7 days to 14.. Because I have to make sure I've been perfect for a couple days before weighing.
  • jsae06
    jsae06 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for your reply and the good advice. I too like to see every low but those damn jumps drive me nuts. I'm going to weigh in once a week for the next 2 weeks and see how I do.
  • RBracken34
    RBracken34 Posts: 90 Member
    Every Monday morning before breakfast. No more frequently because I know I'll start an unhealthy obsession otherwise.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I like to weigh daily (sometimes twice daily - morning/evening), it helps me see how my weight fluctuates each day and helps me link what i'm eating to what my weight is. And since I keep my weights in an app, it gives more data points for the app to work with.

    However, some people stress out if they weigh daily and choose to weigh weekly, monthly etc.