Strange tingling in stomach?

The last two days my sister and I have been on a low cal high protein diet in order to lose some extra fat. Ive been excercising like normal (hiit with a bit of weight training), and for some reason we have both been having tingling and numbness in our stomachs.

Has anyone else experienced this or know possible causes? Thanks :)


  • quintoespada
    quintoespada Posts: 58 Member
    i won't lie, this post concerns me, op.

    low cal? HOW low cal? your diary isn't open. if you're creating a huge deficit and eating under 1,200-1,000 kcals per day, unless you were restricted to that amount of kcals by a doctor, you're hungry. you NEED to eat or you'll stall and you won't lose weight as your body attempts to preserve itself. i mean, obviously if you starve yourself you'll eventually unstall and slowly deteriorate, but i assume you don't want to do that....... anyway.... if you're not doing that, you're thirsty. your body can't differentiate between hunger and thirst. you'll feel hungry if you need water.
  • I'm eating about 1300-1400 cals which isn't super low, but definitely not maintenece.