30F back to lose 100+!

itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
Hey, all. Back to do this for the second and final time.

I was thin and athletic growing up. After high school, I put on about 10 lbs. a year for a solid decade. Scary how easy that is to do.

In 2011, I used MyFitnessPal to lose 83 lbs. Went from an all-time high of 235 down to 152. Still overweight but looking and feeling good. I got complacent about my diet and put it all back on in the three years to follow. Been there since.

Now, at 226 (just a few lbs. shy of my heaviest), I'm ready to do this right and for good. My goal is to reach ~125. I'm 5'4", medium build.

Active friends of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders and fitness goals welcome. Read my profile and, if you think we'll click, add me with a quick note and let's be pals. :smiley: