Looking for Motivators

So about 8 weeks ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. At 5' 6" and 212 lbs for a 46 year old with little to no muscle mass this has put me in a very unhealthy place. The event that forced the diagnosis of diabetes was the loss of motor control in one eye. This caused me to see double as the one eye didn't track with the other. That in and of itself was a very powerful motivator for me.

I have been very aggressive with my weight loss at two pounds per week and I have been steadily increasing my exercise. I went from next to no exercise at the beginning to 200 km of hiking biking and walking in the month of July. Goal is 300 km in August. This has helped me to lose 20 lbs so far but I still have at least 40 more to go.

As the weight plummets so do the daily calories. I love food! I find myself eating back all my exercise calories almost all of the time. And sometimes going over and finding myself hitting the road to burn off the overage. I am however very strict with what I log and rarely under report portions or miss anything.

I am looking for people in similar situations to me to help keep me going as the calories drop and the km's get higher. And also people that I can encourage and help in the same way.




  • racheltrevino22
    racheltrevino22 Posts: 17 Member
    A diabetes diagnosis is certainly shocking, but it sounds like you are on the right track. You should start seeing some results with a few adjustments in your food intake. Feel free to add me. I look forward to following your journey and offering some motivation. :)
  • srschaffer1
    srschaffer1 Posts: 30 Member
    I had the same problem when I started my journey. I would eat hprribly after exercising. It was bad! I now drink a butt ton of water or have fruit after my workouts. Sometimes I'll get some protein in.