Still want to gain muscle, but putting on some fat

Okay guys so I've been making some progress within the last 6 months. I have been recently been putting on more weight. I'm at 14% body fat and 165 lbs at 5'7." Ideally, I want to basically be the same weight if not 170 but less than 10% body fat. How is this accomplished?? Do I need to just continue to bulk more then maintain, and then cut? Any advise would be helpful. Right now I'm doing a 4 day lift split, staying in the 8-12 rep range per set. Also, not currently doing ANY cardio because I tend to be one of those "hard gainers" and it took me awhile to get to this weight. I still feel like I could put on more mass, but I also want to be more cut. I probably just need to continue to bulk up where I want to be then think about cutting?



  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Okay guys so I've been making some progress within the last 6 months. I have been recently been putting on more weight. I'm at 14% body fat and 165 lbs at 5'7." Ideally, I want to basically be the same weight if not 170 but less than 10% body fat. How is this accomplished?? Do I need to just continue to bulk more then maintain, and then cut? Any advise would be helpful. Right now I'm doing a 4 day lift split, staying in the 8-12 rep range per set. Also, not currently doing ANY cardio because I tend to be one of those "hard gainers" and it took me awhile to get to this weight. I still feel like I could put on more mass, but I also want to be more cut. I probably just need to continue to bulk up where I want to be then think about cutting?

    I know of no natural way to gain pure muscle. Any time you bulk, some of that gain will be fat as well.
    Bodybuilders bulk and cut...bulk and cut in the hope of staying ahead of their physiology and maybe exceed that limit represented by genetic potential. This is why so many guys juice.

    For a natural physique, one must accept realistic possibilities and not get too obsessed over size vs low body fat.
    Just strive to be the best version of your natural self. And it sounds like you're doing everything right.
    Maybe others will have some specific ideas. Good luck to you bro!
  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Okay guys so I've been making some progress within the last 6 months. I have been recently been putting on more weight. I'm at 14% body fat and 165 lbs at 5'7." Ideally, I want to basically be the same weight if not 170 but less than 10% body fat. How is this accomplished?? Do I need to just continue to bulk more then maintain, and then cut? Any advise would be helpful. Right now I'm doing a 4 day lift split, staying in the 8-12 rep range per set. Also, not currently doing ANY cardio because I tend to be one of those "hard gainers" and it took me awhile to get to this weight. I still feel like I could put on more mass, but I also want to be more cut. I probably just need to continue to bulk up where I want to be then think about cutting?

    I know of no natural way to gain pure muscle. Any time you bulk, some of that gain will be fat as well.
    Bodybuilders bulk and cut...bulk and cut in the hope of staying ahead of their physiology and maybe exceed that limit represented by genetic potential. This is why so many guys juice.

    For a natural physique, one must accept realistic possibilities and not get too obsessed over size vs low body fat.
    Just strive to be the best version of your natural self. And it sounds like you're doing everything right.
    Maybe others will have some specific ideas. Good luck to you bro!

    Thanks buddy! It's so difficult! It's like you want to gain size and then you end up gaining the wrong size, it's trial error I guess. I also read about having too much not enough water too, although I aim to drink about a gallon per day if I can.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    I also read about having too much not enough water too, although I aim to drink about a gallon per day if I can.
    Yes, water is magical!
    It made a huge difference when I got purposeful in my fluid intake.

  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    What are your thoughts on Creatine?
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Creatine is one of few supplements that "works".
    prolonged creatine supplementation is met with an increased muscle growth rate
    Good luck with your bulk, take it slow and have patience.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    What are your thoughts on Creatine?

    It's worth the money... and it's cheap.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    What are your thoughts on Creatine?
    I have used it in the past when I competed as a boxer, MMA and in tennis, but I have not used it since.
    It works a bit, but nothing earth shaking.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - if you are bulking you are going to gain fat. YOu can accept that and bulk up to say 175 and then cut down to 170 …or you can transition to a recomp plan where you eat at maintenance and keep lifting heavy.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Agreed with the other replies here.

    I would consider continuing with the bulk for a little while longer. Then cut, see what's underneath and how you feel about it, and repeat the bulk/cut as needed.

    After a few cycles of that you'll hopefully end up bigger and leaner. It just takes a while -- don't get too caught up in the immediate, and focus on the process.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    After a few cycles of that you'll hopefully end up bigger and leaner. It just takes a while -- don't get too caught up in the immediate, and focus on the process.

    came to say this- but it's already been said. So- I'll just cosign it.