Struggling to Lose weight!!! Any Suggestions


I have been dieting since February 2013 to try and lose weight for my wedding in September, and for my Hen Party in Marbella... and in all I have lost around 10lbs
I have been mainly calorie counting, I feel I am very good at dieting Mon- Thurs and do tend to slip a little at weekends but nothing to drastic... My average food in take per day would be

Breakfast: 2x Weetabix with Skimmed Milk
Snack: Fruit
Dinner: Ham wrap with small amount of mayo & salad
Snack: Low Fat Yoghurt
Dinner: Meat, Salad & Jacket Potato and coleslaw
Snack: Weight Watchers Rich Toffee Bar

I also go running in a morning 4x a week (roughly 3-4 miles) and do Kettle bell once a week..

Can anyone please tell me where I am going wrong or make any suggestions... I'm desperate

Thanks x


  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    I will take a shot.

    First off, really see what "nothing major" looks like for those weekend days. I know sometimes I come out of a weekend where I thought I did ok, and do a mid-week weigh in. It was not so

    Also, switch it up! The fact that you can jog 3-4 miles tells me that you may not be getting the calorie burn out of that that some others might. Jogging does help, but is not necessarily the most efficient way to burn calories. I would possibly look at some circuit training or things that use your body weight to help with your strength training. You can also try something more intense like Insanity. It scares the hell out of me, but for someone trying to look their best for the dress, I have heard it is really good for shedding inches.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    Hi :)

    Well done on your weightloss so far, you've obviously made a few positive changes to shed that weight!

    It's hard to tell without seeing your food diary on way you're now struggling.

    I would say are you counting every single calorie and weighing out your food?
    It is very easy to think you are only eating 'X' amount of calories but if you weigh it then you know for sure!

    80% of weightloss is down to diet so I would say that's where something is going wrong.