100+ to lose and would love some company along the way.

Hi there :)

I am an obese mother of three, married to a man who has never had to shed a pound, and all of us living up in the Arctic Circle where the summer day never ends! (And December sees no light)

I am currently on day 10, and I have no idea if I have lost an ounce because I don't have a scale at the moment, but I can tell you that I am doing this, whatever the scale will say. I am here to see if I can find people that would like to motivate and be motivated. I am generally not a big talker, and I am one of those people that can write long posts and then delete everything because I don't want people to see what it is that I'm thinking. But heck, it's 3am and I need to say this...

I know I am probably being overly optimistic, but what I would like is that if you dare to add this crazy European to your list of friends, that you reply to this post so that you can be added by the next person, etc. and we create our own little network. I want more than to just like your posts and say GOOD JOB when you drop those pounds. I want to know your struggles and I want you to know mine, that keeping within my calories isn't always as easy as clicking that button that says "Complete Entry". MFP isn't facebook, it isn't twitter, and it shouldn't be. What I feel it should be is a safe place where honesty, especially with yourself, is key. All of us are different, we have different reasons, different environments, different methods, different speeds, but we are all here to take control of an aspect of our lives that may have gone out of control, in either direction.

I'm not as sappy as I sound here, I promise :) I just feel it's time I stop giving myself excuses and I would love to have a support system to lean on, both on the good days and the bad.

I don't care about time zones, weight, gender or height :p Feel free to send me a friend request!