I'm addicted to Carbs!



  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    you shouldn't be starving yourself. because then you binge

    carbs aren't bad. some are healthier than others.
    try for real whole grain or multigrain. more fiber. and you will feel full longer.
    consider getting the most nutrition per calorie.
    while a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight, it's easier not to over eat when you feel full and happy, imo

    This is true if your metabolism works OK. Mine doesn't, for a variety of reasons, and so for me, ketogenic is the only route. I wish I had discovered that sooner.

  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    I think humans are addicted to carbs in general. Our bodies crave them because we are supposed to eat them. They are fuel. If you make a point to also eat enough protein and fat, and make smart carb choices like mostly vegetables, fruit and whole grains, you may find the need to overeat is lessened.

    Not totally true. Our bodies have evolved to derive fuel from any food source. I am not addicted to carbs, and most carbs give me irritability. I know my body prefers fat to carbs for fuel based on how it performs with each.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    have you had a recent fasting glucose and A1C test done? Maybe you are diabetic
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    DAM5412 wrote: »
    Stop starving yourself. Find out what your body prefers to eat and eat it. For me, it's low to zero carb, the closer I get to 0 the better control I have over my eating habits and the healthier I feel. It's not for everybody, because some people can't get it out of their heads that they deserve to eat the sweet stuff and enjoy their food. Food is fuel, period. It's like air and water, you need it to survive, but you shouldn't be surviving to need it. Eat what is healthy to you and stop eating the stuff which you can't control yourself around. Yes, you'll feel awful and have really intense cravings at first, but they will pass and then you will realize you are actually in control again. Good luck.

    This is pretty much how I operate.
  • amberjo1986
    amberjo1986 Posts: 50 Member
    edited August 2015
    Fellow carbivore here. What helped me when I was losing was to cut out white rice, bread, pasta and most processed food (mainly to avoid refined carbs). I replaced that with brown rice, beans, oatmeal, nuts and seeds. So essentially I cut out most simple carbs, which quickly spike your blood sugar and make you hungry faster. The foods I replaced them with were complex carbs, which keep you full longer.

    One trick in addition to this is I usually ate a huge salad for lunch that consisted of dark leafy greens, about four ounces of brown rice or beans, and avocado. The leafies took up space in my gut, the rice/beans provided energy and burned slowly, and the fat and fiber from the avocado further satiated me. I lost 20 pounds in 3 months using this method in conjunction with calorie counting.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited August 2015
    I would just like to add...I are a huge breakfast at about 09:00. It is now 19:00, and I am still not actually hungry. That breakfast was comprised of over 70% fat.

    Point is, I am 100% in control of me all day long. I worked 8 hours surrounded by Ding Dongs, Paydays, and sodas. If I have something off diet, it is because I damn well want it. I had none of that today.

    Also, I still have energy for miles. Hours...isobars...those too :-) (but today is a rest day).

    Figure out a way of eating that allows you to be in full control. Social pressure? Ditch it. Have food weaknesses? Get them out of your life! Don't know what or how to replace those foods with? Spend a couple hours at the market reading labels. You might find some stuff out about the foods you can eat that keep you from overeating.

    People are too afraid of giving up the things that cause them the most grief when, in fact, that is what they need to do to reach their goals. Luckily, I don't have social pressures, because I dont care what people think about what I do for me. I dont even have internal battles, such as the carbs battle you are facing. I have spent the last three years finding out what will be my best method of weight loss and better health. Now that I have found it, I am sticking with it (although, I do vacation from diet every once in a while; I do have somewhat of a life). That is what you need to do. If something doesn't work, change it! :-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    DAM5412 wrote: »
    Stop starving yourself. Find out what your body prefers to eat and eat it. For me, it's low to zero carb, the closer I get to 0 the better control I have over my eating habits and the healthier I feel. It's not for everybody, because some people can't get it out of their heads that they deserve to eat the sweet stuff and enjoy their food. Food is fuel, period. It's like air and water, you need it to survive, but you shouldn't be surviving to need it. Eat what is healthy to you and stop eating the stuff which you can't control yourself around. Yes, you'll feel awful and have really intense cravings at first, but they will pass and then you will realize you are actually in control again. Good luck.

    how do you eat close to zero carbs? do you not eat any vegetables at all??
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am sure he or she fills the carbs portion with something awesome. I am a low-carber/keto-er. Most of my carbs come in the form of avocados, spinach, or a small banana, and are mostly consumed for recovery so the carbs I do eat get stored as glycogen instead of burned as energy.

    Now, if only I had microscopic x-ray vision to verify that it is happening lol! :-)