Emotional Eater

I am really trying to loose weight, but I find myself getting off track when I am bored, sad or feeling lonely. I have decided to start fresh as of today. Please help me through this process. Thanks!


  • melholmes80
    melholmes80 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Magda, I'm an emotional eater too...stress = chocolate, boredom = salty snacks. I've been working hard on replacing boredom with physical activity like going for a walk leaving less time to sit still and think about snacks. Stress eating's a little harder to combat, so I usually just try to portion control so I dont binge, log it and move on. Feel free to add me, I keep my diary open so you can see all the healthy snacks I've used to replace the bad ones. Good luck!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    I keep a list of places to go and things to do when I need to get out of the house, so that I don't have to think too hard to find something better to do than eat. I live in the boondocks, so it isn't always easy. I take my camera with me on walks, or go and have a coffee while I study or knit; I find it easy not to eat when I'm not at home.