Self sabotager needs support

lorjane Posts: 5 Member
Hi all,
I have been on MFP for many years, on and off. I have 3 kids (born w/in 3 years), the youngest is 18 mths. I am 5'4" and weighed 145 2 mths pp and now - 16 mths later I weigh....145. Before babies and between 2 and 3 I was back to a normal weight of 125-130. I want to get there but I lose 1 pound and gain 2 back. I LOVE to exercise and do so nearly 5-6 days a week; running, strength training, pilates, yoga, hiking, etc. My big downfall is a terrible diet. I eat what I feel like since I stopped tracking. My choices will be great for a week, paleo next week, no sugar one week, junk the next. No consistency and I think my body - and now even my head - is confused about what to week.

Anyone out there that would be willing/able to be an accountability buddy? I want to start fueling my body right, taking care of myself, which will inevitably lead to a healthy weight.

Would love to have some friends who are in the same boat or just kind souls who want to help another!! The high-low diet roller coaster is exhausting!


  • Sheila00000
    Sheila00000 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi lorjane, I posted a similar post and I need someone in a similar situation so we can help each other! I was trying to find a one week accountability partner, we would keep going after that, but at least someone for daily contact to help us stop the self sabotaging and get back on track.

    I have 2 kids and I'm 5"2, my weight is back to 184. :( I like to exercise too! But the problem is I haven't done much because my eating has been bad. Takes the joy out of taking care of myself through exercise. Do you want to partner up?
  • lorjane
    lorjane Posts: 5 Member
    YES!! That would be great. How can we help each other??