Starting over... Again

I am 5ft 2 and 22years old I started at 216lbs and am currently at 191.9 and still have a long way to go and have a terrible time staying motivated I have started my weight loss journey probably at least ten times in two years and could really use some help and inspiration my ultimate goal is 120lbs please add me and I we can help each other!


  • Moop87
    Moop87 Posts: 71 Member
    I feel your pain. I lost 30 pounds a couple years ago through Weight Watchers. I thought I could save money by doing it myself. And of course, I gained it all back, and then some. I just started up again. I have sleep apnea and really need to get rid of it! I want to feel human again and not feel so self conscious about what I look like. I had 80 lbs to lose when I started back again a couple weeks ago. Now I have 75 to go. It's all about those baby steps. :)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Was dedicated via MyFitnessPal 4 years ago and lost 50lbs. But lost focus and gained most of it back. I'm starting over again and hoping to find ways to stay focused
  • xonicolette
    xonicolette Posts: 151 Member
    I sent you a request :) I am 5'2 as well and around the same weight (198). Something I do to help me stay motivated is to look on pintrest, the message boards here, and Instagram of before and afters. Then paste a lot of sticky notes all over my house of stuff I want to remember like "Imagine yourself in 6 months if you stick to this". You can do it!!
  • perilousbard
    perilousbard Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! I'm in a similar situation. I lost 30 pounds some time ago and gained it all back due to lack of activity. I'll be sending you a request shortly!