Keto diet and intermittent fasting

Hi, I'm new! Anyone else familiar with ketogenic diets and fasting?


  • kingx2289
    kingx2289 Posts: 1 Member
    ive heard bout fasting i think it helps im doing that now one week in
  • KetoGirlie
    KetoGirlie Posts: 9 Member
    Best decision I've ever made when it comes to a major lifestyle change
  • BeefieSmalls
    BeefieSmalls Posts: 2 Member
    Started Keto May 1st...lost 30 lbs by second week of June! I weigh a lot. Was laid up for a month and went off for that time gaining 12 back...but I'm now down 9 lbs since July 22nd!!
  • torres92105
    torres92105 Posts: 1 Member
    If you're doing the keto diet how long should you do it for?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    If you're doing the keto diet how long should you do it for?

    I personally plan to do keto for the rest of my life. I may up the carbs a little bit once I reach my goal, but never again will I go back to a high carb way of eating. You can transition from keto to another way of eating, but expect a wee bit of water weight to come back. it's inevitable.

  • cherishpatterson
    cherishpatterson Posts: 11 Member
    I agree, Keto for the rest of my life...I like the way I physically feel and it helps keep the weight off.
  • KetoGirlie
    KetoGirlie Posts: 9 Member
    Keto is the type of thing you have to commit to for life! The whole point is to train your body to burn fat to fuel your body instead of glycogen(carbs). If you stop if defeats the whole purpose.
  • jaeisla
    jaeisla Posts: 56 Member
    I started keto/IF three weeks ago. I'm down 10 lbs. At first I thought it would be really hard not eating for 12-14 hrs but I got used to it. I find it harder to fit all my macros in such a short period of time. I'm still learning and adjusting my diet as I progress.
  • the_comeback
    the_comeback Posts: 2,199 Member
    I like intermittent fasting. Get all my calories in within a short period of time. Rest of the time your fasting which allows your body to burn more fat. I was doing 6 hour eating window and fast 18 hours. Dropped about 8lbs under 2 weeks
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    FYI, there is a group here on MFP for intermittent fasters:
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited August 2015
    I like intermittent fasting. Get all my calories in within a short period of time. Rest of the time your fasting which allows your body to burn more fat. I was doing 6 hour eating window and fast 18 hours. Dropped about 8lbs under 2 weeks

    I hope you know that's not quite how it works... IF is great for gaining control, or for people who want some higher calorie days. You won't lose weight any quicker than with a daily deficit though, as calories are a weekly thing. For example someone on 1600 a day will lose weight at the same pace as someone who does 400 two days of the week and then 2000 on the other 5 days :)
    I didn't find either keto or IF to be sustainable, but good luck to you if you think you can do it :)