What foods do you stay away from?

maea5040 Posts: 36 Member
Im new to all this, and Im clueless to what not to eat. Im not sure how much of carbs I should be eating. I hear a lot about not eating much fruit, because of all the sugar. Im 5'3 and 164lbs. I can never finish a diet, because I get bored with my meals, and they just done satisfy me. I know to stay away from sugary drinks, processed foods. Are there other foods to stay away from?


  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    The only food I stay away from is oranges-because I'm allergic.

    MFP is all about learning portion control and counting calories. Unless you have a medical reason, fruit is good for you! I suggest a buying a food scale, weigh and measure your foods. In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit, that doesn't mean that you can't have things that you like.
    When people fail, it is usually because they are too restrictive with the foods that they eat. I am the type of person that if you tell me not to eat pasta-the first thing that I will do is go and eat a huge bowl of noodles.

    Add more lean meats, vegetables, and fruits to your diet. That doesn't mean to add plain chicken or veggies with no seasoning-look up recipes, find things that you like and look up recipes to make your food tasty.

    Best wishes to you!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    That's a good question and its a mistake to stay away from fruit because of the sugar. I bet the people who say that continue to eat their little chocolate treats all the time. Me i stay away from sweets and i eat fruit instead. I eat quite a lot of fruit and it helps me lose weight and avoid cravings. I eat no sweets at all, no sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners and because of that i have no cravings.

    Its important to enjoy your food when losing weight and keeping it off. Eat a wide variety of foods especially of fruit and veg. Cram your fridge with healthy food and don't binge on anything.

    It takes effort but to stay a good weight in the long term you need to enjoy your food and so that suggests that you should be learning how to prepare enjoyable meals for yourself. I know its hard if you are busy at work but its essential. You simply have to learn how and make time for it. There is no other way in the long term.

    Use recipe books if you don't know how to cook. Take on a cuisines and really go into it deeply as you can. I'd recommend starting with mediterranean food if you can since its close to what american's would eat. But then you can venture into middle eastern, indian, other asian countries. REcently i went to Japan and found the food wonderful. All these traditional cuisines have healthy food. Yes you can find unhealthy food in it too (as in high fat or high sugar) but if you stick to the lower fat and avoid sugar you should be fine. Don't go into the french sauce thing - stay away from that in the beginning but they use butter to make food taste good and that's fine. So long as you are not gourging on it. They also use olive oil which is the best oil for cooking most cuisines. I use peanut oil when i cook asian though and a sesame when i cook japanese along with peanut oil.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    Liver - hate the stuff......

    I don't think I'm staying away from stuff as much as I'm trying to limit my use of food/drinks that counteract my goals and make conscious decisions on when to have them.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Anything that tastes bad and/or has gone bad.
    Im new to all this, and Im clueless to what not to eat. Im not sure how much of carbs I should be eating. I hear a lot about not eating much fruit, because of all the sugar. Im 5'3 and 164lbs. I can never finish a diet, because I get bored with my meals, and they just done satisfy me. I know to stay away from sugary drinks, processed foods. Are there other foods to stay away from?

    Perhaps this is where you are going wrong - you are using a 'diet' as a temporary measure that has an end point. Instead of this, look at making permanent changes to your lifestyle that enable you to initially reach a healthy weight, and then maintain it long term.

    You do not need to make changes to the foods you eat to lose weight - just eat what you already enjoy but in quantities that enable you to stay within your calorie goal.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Super high calorie foods with no protein or fiber.

    Those two things help me feel full and rebuild my body.

    I don't want a huge chunk of my calories from desert type stuff that is mainly taste good stuff but not nutrient dense.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I avoid seafood. Because I'm allergic. Other than that it's all free game so long as it fit into my calories.
    Unnecessary restrictions make this dietary change a lot harder than it needs to be.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Only the foods I don't like the taste of.
  • nadi0rnice
    nadi0rnice Posts: 10 Member
    I think it's less about staying away and more about staying in moderation. I personally tend to eat lots of carbs in pasta and rice so my goal is to eat less of that. The fact is that I probably eat 3x more than I need of those things so don't eliminate foods you like because that's not realistic. Instead, give yourself less of those and teach yourself that you don't need so much of them
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I don't wholly avoid anything, but I severely limit complex carbs like bread and pasta, and all forms of sugar. I eat a little fruit, but I've learned to enjoy high protein snacks and save my carbs for meals or even treats.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Only the ones I don't like. I'm like some other people who answered. I'll eat whatever I want, as moderately as possible.