I'm driving myself INSANE!

Hello everyone,

I am a 20 year old guy, 157lbs and 6 foot 2. I suffer a bit from BDD and so I see myself as fatter than reality.

I usually eat around 1500 calories, however yesterday ate maybe 1800 including a Roast Dinner which was very salty. This morning I woke up 1.5lbs higher and it's stressing me out - so much that I'm being overly careful about what I'm eating today. I'm supposed to be going to a friends party later, but scared about eating the cake. I usually follow a low carb lifestyle, but yesterday the roast potatoes threw me off and so my weight has increased. How can I stop worrying over food all the time? Will my weight go back to normal?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    are you working with a professional for your ED?
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Unfortunately I do not have any advice for how to stop obsessing because I am in many ways similar to you. Early 20s, definitely got some BDD and newly trying to maintain. What I try to remind myself when things like this happen (inevitably they do, that's life) is that it is just one day/one meal.
    It might be showing on your scale right now but my guess would be it's likely water weight. You didn't gain 1.5 pounds from eating 300 calories over your (very low!) calorie goal of 1500. Once you return to a normal eating pattern, I'd say the weight will come right off. I went on vacation a few weeks ago and gained 4 pounds and I about had a heart attack.. Once I went back to normal routine I lost it all and more. So try not to stress the little things and take it one day at a time. :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You perhaps need to seek professional help than ask on the internet...but really you have to be prepared for daily fluctuations, they happen even when doing everything right as well as when extra sodium/cals have been consumed.
    You'll find tomorrow or the day after that weight will have dropped back down again. You need to understand that weight always fluctuates and not stress when you do see scale bounce up, its just temporary.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't know what would help you in your situation, but when I want to stop obsessing over food, I quit counting calories.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Just as a comparison for you, I'm a 30 y/o 5'1" female, ~107 lbs, and can maintain at about 2000 cals/day. You're really not eating enough, and should probably be seeking professional help for your dysmorphia. Good luck to you!
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    It's just water weight from the salt. It'll come off in a day or two. Have the cake, life it too short. Plus at 6' 2" and 157, you really should be eating more calories anyway.
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    I would recommend you seek assistance. And they will tell you to stop weighing yourself and stop counting calories. If your diet is restrictive, you will need to starting working on easing up gradually. I've been there.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    The body is not a static number, it fluctuates on a daily/weekly basis. Typically there is a range of 2-5 lbs it can go up or down. Not a big deal.
    Last Thursday I hogged out. Went about 250 grams higher on carbs than I normally do. Weight the next day was up almost 5lbs. I laughed it off and knew by Monday it would be back to normal with my regular eating. Sure enough, back to 196 on Monday.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    if you have bdd, you need to seek help.
    they will help you have a healthy relationship with yourself, image and food.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    With one pound to lose, 1,500 calories is not enough food for a 6' 2" man. You will starve yourself.

    You did NOT gain 1.5# from a few extra calories, you probably just need to take a dump. Weight fluctuates constantly.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    RaspberryTickleChicken Posts: 629 Member
    edited August 2015
    Are you maintaining or losing? This is the maintaining forum for those who have already reached goal - just FYI

    Aside from working with a professional I think your obsession may be because your body is screaming for nutrient.

    1500 cal for 6'2" man seems a bit low ... unless you are a physique competitor on the cutting phase.

    Run your TDEE and if you eat more according to what your body needs to function perhaps you'll find that your obsession will subside.

    Just out of curiosity I plugged in your stats & guessed workout for 30 minutes 3x a week:
    • Your BMR is: 1793 Calories/Day <-- This is what your body needs to function if you just wake up and laid in bed all day doing nothing!
    • Your TDEE is: 2126 Calories/Day <-- This is what your body needs just working out 3 times a week at 30 minutes.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    Don't worry about one pound...it'll come off.
    I also think you are not viewing yourself as you are (ie not fat at all) and should seek help.
  • CookieBev
    CookieBev Posts: 10 Member
    I too fluctuate between 3 - 5 lbs even staying at the same basic calorie intake daily. If I get too concerned over eating too much any day, I just up my exercise for that day to offset it. If you truly have an ED, I too would seek professional help.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Everyones weight fluctuates. It's totally normal. Obsessing over it, however, is not. Find professional help for your ED outside of this forum is the best thing to do for yourself. Best wishes in your recovery.