
I've plateaued on my weight and still 20 pounds away from my goal weight! Need friends and motivation who are in this same yucky situation! Help!


  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    How long ago did you stop losing?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    We need more information.

    What are your stats?
    How long have you been at this and how much have you lost?
    How long has it been since you lost weight?
    How are you measuring your food intake?
    How are you determining your calories burned through exercise, and how much of those do you eat back?
  • LizzT77
    LizzT77 Posts: 7 Member
    I stopped losing weight about 10 months ago and starting gaining and have been stuck at 145 since October. Actually I went up in weight about 15 pounds when I completey gave up running and switched to crossfit. Trust me, it's not muscle, it's fat! I can show you pictures. So now I started running again about 1 month ago and still not seeing a difference. I weighed 175, was down at 123 beginning of last year, and now I'm at 145 since October and just staying there.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    It's not a plateau if it's not been 6 weeks or more of no weight movement WHILE being consistent with diet and exercise. If any diet gets disrupted by inconsistency, it's more of a stall. And the usual culprits are less attention to counting of calories and eating more than you're thinking, less physical activity than usual, or the body adapting to current physical activity. Easiest changes are being honest with yourself about your intake and increasing intensity of your physical activity.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    LizzT77 wrote: »
    I stopped losing weight about 10 months ago and starting gaining and have been stuck at 145 since October. Actually I went up in weight about 15 pounds when I completey gave up running and switched to crossfit. Trust me, it's not muscle, it's fat! I can show you pictures. So now I started running again about 1 month ago and still not seeing a difference. I weighed 175, was down at 123 beginning of last year, and now I'm at 145 since October and just staying there.

    So you're eating too much

    Refocus on your calorie control

    How are you measuring what you consume?
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    Switch it up. If you exercise in the morning, try doing it at night instead. If you usually have a big breakfast, try having a big dinner or lunch and a small breakfast instead. There are little tweaks you can do, that don't really require you changing your routine all that much- just moving around your current routine
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    LizzT77 wrote: »
    I stopped losing weight about 10 months ago and starting gaining and have been stuck at 145 since October. Actually I went up in weight about 15 pounds when I completey gave up running and switched to crossfit. Trust me, it's not muscle, it's fat! I can show you pictures. So now I started running again about 1 month ago and still not seeing a difference. I weighed 175, was down at 123 beginning of last year, and now I'm at 145 since October and just staying there.

    Then you're eating as much as/more than you burn. Eat in a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight.

    These threads will help you out:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    LizzT77 wrote: »
    I stopped losing weight about 10 months ago and starting gaining and have been stuck at 145 since October. Actually I went up in weight about 15 pounds when I completey gave up running and switched to crossfit. Trust me, it's not muscle, it's fat! I can show you pictures. So now I started running again about 1 month ago and still not seeing a difference. I weighed 175, was down at 123 beginning of last year, and now I'm at 145 since October and just staying there.
    You're not burning as much as you think CFing then. Dependent on how much/long you ran vs CF, the difference could be substantial. So it sounds like you're eating more than you need to.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • LizzT77
    LizzT77 Posts: 7 Member
    I was thinking the same thing about eating more than I need to. They had me switch to paleo/clean eating and I think that's what did it. They said if I eat clean I don't need to count calories.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    LizzT77 wrote: »
    I was thinking the same thing about eating more than I need to. They had me switch to paleo/clean eating and I think that's what did it. They said if I eat clean I don't need to count calories.

    That's not true, unfortunately you had to find out the hard way.

  • LizzT77
    LizzT77 Posts: 7 Member
    The very hard way!

  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    LizzT77 wrote: »
    I was thinking the same thing about eating more than I need to. They had me switch to paleo/clean eating and I think that's what did it. They said if I eat clean I don't need to count calories.

    LOL! I don't know who "they" are but apparently "they" are confused. It doesn't matter what you eat, if you eat more than your body requires to maintain your current weight you will gain weight. Doesn't matter if it is all twinkies or lettuce. Eat what you want but track it and eat in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

    ...and don't listen to nutrition advice from "they" anymore. :)

  • LizzT77
    LizzT77 Posts: 7 Member
    Yea! I've lost 50 pounds before doing it my way and in a healthy way. Guess I got caught up with "what's in" right now. Going back to what worked for me! :)
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    If you lost 50 pounds already I would say you have it pretty much figured out, just keep doing what worked.
  • LizzT77
    LizzT77 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, Jeff!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    edited August 2015
    LizzT77 wrote: »
    The very hard way!

    Oh honey, go back to what you were doing before, as you had it down!