New to MFP-Rewards and Incentives

Last year this time, I weighed 212 lbs (Weighed 220 at ne point). At that time, I booked a vacation for myself and wife for a 10 day All inclusive vacation to the Dominician Republic. Made a deal with agent and wife that if I was not 189 by the time we depart, agent could cancel and keep whatever proceeds were left over. Today, I weighed in at 189.5, and still have two weeks to go, so it looks like we better stock up on sun-block!

Not been doing anything extreame, just been doing Cardio 5 days per week (Endurance and Interval +/- 300 calories) and 2 days with trainer. Been to the Gym almost every day since joining in OCT. May not of lost a lot of weight, think I actually gained some in the beginning, but definitely feel and look fitter. Went from paint size 38 to 33.

At insistence of my wife, joined MFP a few weeks ago and it has helped allot. I was unaware of how many calories I was actually consuming. Now I can easily manage my calorie deficit in order to hit targets. Eat a little more, need to work out more to get to target net of about 1500 calories.

Another thing that has helped with weight loss, is that I try to get to outdoor Kart track once per week to practice (Sat or Sunday). These karts will do in excess of 120MPH, pull well over 2 G's and are very, very physicialy demanding. AT 50YO, it is tough to compete with kids who weigh 1/2 as much. The weight loss has made me faster, and the improved fitness level has allowed me to be consistant during long races (26 laps). My new inventive when I hit 184 is to purchase a new kart and step up in class and run the full race series next year. Karting during the season is a big part of my fitness program. I hear of people training to run marathons, for me it is to race more competitively ( Also do endurance car racing and on occasion Formula Car Racing). My weight loss and fitness improvements should show up on the stop-watch.

Next year, Hope to be 175 (Maintiance Weight) and hope to reward my-self with another vacation.


  • Racer27h2
    Racer27h2 Posts: 7
    Hit first Goal of <189 ahead of July 4th target date, so we are definatly going on vacation in July. Set this goal last year. My high at one point was 220, so down 31 lbs from High and 23 lbs from my recent avg wt.

    Averaged 3/4 lbs loss per week during last 3 months, used MFP over the last month and it was a big help. It suggests a net cal of 1410, which seems very low and I find myself normally at about 1700 Net (2000 food less 300 Cardio), That seems to be working, so keeping that up.

    New longer term goal is to hit final/maintiance goal of 175 lbs by end of year (14 add'l lbs). I Can't remember last time I was at that weight!. If I hit target, I may have to add lead weight to my Kart to bring me up to Legal weight. Having the option to add weight where I want to should boost perforamnce as it can be positioned to help balance the kart and make it perferm better. Continuing at 3/4 lbs per week, that should be achiaveable even while expecting to put a few lbs on during vacation.

    Looking for creative rewards for hitting the 175 target at end of December... Any suggestions?