A Party is Only Fun With Friends! :)

Hi! I'm Eryn. I'm 32 years old... And I'm ready for a change. I've dieted, exercised, lost weight, gained it back... It's a vicious cycle. It's even harder to go it alone. A support system can go a very long way! A great group of people is something I'd really like to have. People that are determined, but don't lose their sense of humor in the process would be awesome. Anyone out there like that? Goal oriented with a great sense of humor? Please add me! I'd love to share our journeys with one another! Determined and yet lighthearted souls are my kind of people.


  • southeRNurse2016
    southeRNurse2016 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello fellow Eryn! Though I have the Erin spelling. :)
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I am determined to have a great sense of humor! :)
  • Cup_
    Cup_ Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Eryn! "Determined and yet lighthearted soul" right here! Would be happy to give support. Oh and I took a peek at your profile 4theking.... "I am not normal!" cracked me up. hahaaaaaa Nice.
  • tercasey
    tercasey Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Eryn! I'm Terri. I've been trying to shed pounds and become fitter for a few years. I did my best last year losing a fee stone but stupidly fell off the wagon after a week in Vegas. I'm back on and mean business this time....Hopefully anyway!
  • Tami_H
    Tami_H Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Eryn, Welcome to the club! I have done the gain/lose/repeat game for years but I've got a new plan and I am kicking some serious weight loss butt these days. Come join me! Let's be friends :)
  • beccaawalsh
    beccaawalsh Posts: 45 Member
    Hi guys,
    I'm Becca. I really could do with the support as well. I have a bit to lose. I'd love some friends along the way.
  • xxwhateverguyxx
    xxwhateverguyxx Posts: 5 Member
    Excellent! I've sent you all requests! Looking forward to kicking our butts into shape together lol