Allergies - HELP!

I have a lot of issues when eating raw fruits and veggies (throat itches, sneezing, gums get super irritated and inflamed, etc). I had some left over prednisone (which I've taken in the past to combat these issues after eating something) so I took one knowing I wanted to have a raw spinach salad with dinner. I ate steak and my salad. I wasn't even done with my salad before I had to vomit - which I pretty much NEVER do, I go years in between times - and all I threw up was the spinach. I have tried organic, local, washed, peeled - same issues with all of them.
On the other hand I can eat things with no issues once they are cooked. Problem is that I hate most cooked veggies :(
Anyone with any similar issues or ideas on what to do? I'm so frustrated and I feel like I'm constantly starving. :s


  • kmckillop7
    kmckillop7 Posts: 1 Member
    You might have Oral Allergy Syndrome like I do. I cannot eat any raw fruits or vegetables without an anaphylactic reaction where my mouth and throat itches and swells up. I take Benedryl to combat mild symptoms, though trying to pretreat them hasn't worked for me. I carry an EpiPen for emergencies. I've had to cut out all raw plants from my diet. I strongly recommend talking to a doctor, especially an allergist. They can tell you exactly what you're allergic to. You might even have a particular allergy to spinach that's unrelated to the itching reaction that caused your stomach to get upset. (My family has those kind of allergies too)

    If you don't like the taste of plain veggies you might try adding sauces or extra spices to the cooked ones. Butter and garlic can go a long way. And baked fruits are fantastic with a little added cinnamon-sugar or brown sugar. Or just straight-up pie. ;)

    You are not alone! :tongue: Hope this helps!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    See an allergist about the allergies.

    I had trouble with many fresh fruits and veggies, so I either didn't eat them or I cooked them. There are still things I can't eat without trouble and cannot cook (like melons), so I just don't eat them.