Protein shakes & between meals snacks



  • mrsroldan
    mrsroldan Posts: 26 Member
    Jill4165 wrote: »
    I try and keep my snacks pretty healthy. I like nuts (as long as you measure them out), cheese, jerky, fruit, sugar free jello, veggies with hummus.

    I like all those too, Ty
  • mrsroldan
    mrsroldan Posts: 26 Member
    Bakins929 wrote: »
    I like Premier High Protein Shakes, I mix the vanilla with coffee over ice after my morning runs. Taste great, 30g of protein and 160 calories. For snacks, I try to eat 100 calorie packs of almonds or Star-Kist tuna packs, also around 100 calories and lots of protein. Greek yogurt is also a good snack.

    I keep premier around as well. Great protein to carb ratio, almost zero sugar, and they taste pretty good. I don't really drink them as snacks though. More of a supplement on active days when I couldn't get enough whole food protein in.

    Yes, I'm liking you guys advice! Thank you so much.
  • mrsroldan
    mrsroldan Posts: 26 Member
    SM_95 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm pretty bad with snacking so will be following for help too!
    I've come across the graze boxes or any of those type, they're super yummy and have different options for what you're looking for! I'd recommend giving the free box a go! I'm also not above shameless self promotion so here's my discount code if you do want a free box :) HHX3369PE
    Other snacks I go for are chopped up carrots or cucumber sticks in the fridge. I also pre hard boil eggs to snack on.
    Frozen banana in the fridge takes longer to eat but is super good and blended up tastes like icecream!
    I've also found quest bars recently! If you can get your hands on some! (Recommend cookies and cream). Being in the uk I order online

    Awesome! Thanks for your advice! I with be shopping tomorrow for a few things everyone has recommended, I like everything you mentioned so it shouldn't be hard. Thanks for the free box
  • mrsroldan
    mrsroldan Posts: 26 Member
    For protein shakes, I use Trutein. Mostly in the mornings because I never have time to cook my breakfasts these days. Also, if I am feeling hungry at night I will maybe have one. I've tried a few different ones and Truetein is the only one I can stand. xD The chocolate flavors are the best. I usually add water to mine, but I've added milk and almond milk in the past and it lessens the chalky flavor/texture.
    For snacks, it's usually fruit, low calorie string cheese, popcorn, snap peas, carrots, cherry tomatoes. Lately I have been loving chips and salsa for a snack. The Pace salsa I get is 10 calories for 2tbs. I weigh out an 1oz of the chips I use. I've recently discovered whole wheat waffles are only 85 calories each, so I may start snacking on that. If I eat too much fruit it just makes me hungrier later on in the day, it seems.

    Thank u, great choices" I like them all
  • mrsroldan
    mrsroldan Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I think as long as it fits in with your calories or macros, or what ever it is you are tracking, then it is okay to have snacks. If you are hungry though. If you're not hungry I wouldn't feel the need to have a snack. If you are counting calories, technically you can have anything you like as a snack as long as it fits them. For macros, it depends what they are but I would go with something high in protein, like a shake. I personally like to eat, so I stick to solid snacks, unless I feel like a snack. Quest protein chips are my favourite snacks. Some others I like are: fruit, vegetable sticks dipped in something low cal like sriracha, a hard boiled egg, a protein bar, or if I do feel like a drink a low cal hot chocolate made with warmed skim or almond milk and I would add some protein powder to that as well.

    Hope this helps.

    BTW: I only just started this 3 days ago, so definitely no expert.