Built daily calorie calculator

Just used the website (built daily.com/calorie-counter) to calculate my daily and weight loss cals. And it says I should eat 2056 to lose weight where as mfp says to eat 1390 that's a massive difference? Any one know why?
Could this be why I keep gaining the odd pound am I not eating enough or have I missed something?


  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    MFP does not factor in any exercise you do. You input that data yourself and eat back all or a portion of those calories. This calculator factors it in as a daily average. Frankly, I have been losing right on target using MFP's method, almost exactly one pound per week, which is exactly my goal, for the last five months.

    Unfortunately, no, eating too little won't cause you to gain fat. You will more likely lose at an unhealthy rate and gain it all back when you begin eating more because eating so little is unsustainable. Most likely, you are eating far more than you think. Are you weighing your solids and measuring all liquids? That's where you start.