time to get real

Im 240+ pounds again. Any progress I make, I sabotage. I have to do something different. What if I ate right and worked out, gave it my all, just for today? How would I feel tonight if I just ate right and worked out today?


  • tru82
    tru82 Posts: 35 Member
    You got this! Trust me I was there a few months ago and now I am down 40 pounds I still have about 40 more to go but I just take one day at a time and say today is day 1. If you would like any support at all or help please feel free to add me and message me :)
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    What I've learned is that it's about small changes done over a long period of time. You can't do everything perfect on day one. Just choose one habit you wish to improve and work on it for a week. Then next week, move on to another habit and so on until you have all those little things mastered. You will fail, we all do. That's when you need to reach for support. That moment you think about giving up, that's when you need to message someone or post about it. It made all the difference for me this time around!
    I log everyday. Feel free to add me :)