HELP.. Please...

Here's the deal at the beginning of September I leave to oregon to work for about 2 months and get to live in a hotel. I work crazy hours am in the office at 5:00 in the morning and don't get out until 5:00 or 6:00 pm. There's a gym at the hotel with a few work out machines. How do I loose weight with having to eat out for 2 months. Started working out at the begging of April and have lost 26 lbs. How do I keep it up? I have finished a round of insanity and am about to finish the first month of the hybrid p90x/insanity. I was thinking of purchasing shakeology to replace my lunch. Any tips guys?


  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    You can do your best to prepare what you can food wise at the hotel, eat from the hotel menu if the calories are known, or find a places to eat where the calories and nutrients are known.

    Shakeology is nothing more than a scam. Save your money.