Weight fluctuation

So I've been doing pretty well (considering I usually have no will power) on my diet here, 1200 calories a day.. and my weight is still fluctuating a lot. A few days ago I got to a new low weight - 154, I weigh myself first thing in the morning today and I'm 159..
How much of a fluctuation is expected? Any tips on not getting discouraged because of it?


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Last time I looked at my weight data a weight variation of about four pounds on any given day covered +/- 3 standard deviations. But that's just me.

    Your weight is going to vary for a number of reasons but as long as you are eating at the desired deficit - and you are sure you are eating at the desired deficit - the loss of fat will be pretty constant. Everything else is just noise.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Normal weight fluctuations can certainly be in the 4 pound range. If you search in the forums, you will find lots of discussions about this.

    But why only 1200 calories? You only have 20 pounds to lose.
  • hannibalholt89
    hannibalholt89 Posts: 101 Member
    edited August 2015
    weigh your self weekly first thing in the morning, I find that doing it weekly give you a better idea of the true fluctuation. Its normal to fluctuate frequently but after a bt i would say 3 weeks maybe and your still seeing that large gap of about 5-7 pound or more fluctuation then id start to change up dieting a bit and exercise. Dont be discouraged its all you are simply getting more familiar with your body while going through these type of situations.

    Also to add on maybe you drop your calories TOO low the very first time you started your cut. Its best to drop cals very slow because you can plateau easily.
  • jennyylee
    jennyylee Posts: 17 Member
    That's what MFP recommended. I'm pretty new at trying all of this so if that's too low I can try to go up to 1500 or whatever
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If the natural weight fluctuations bother you then my only suggestion is to weigh less often.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    jennyylee wrote: »
    That's what MFP recommended. I'm pretty new at trying all of this so if that's too low I can try to go up to 1500 or whatever

    Yeah MFP starts you off with a low amount, it's assuming you're going to exercise and eat those exercise calories back.

  • jennyylee
    jennyylee Posts: 17 Member
    jennyylee wrote: »
    That's what MFP recommended. I'm pretty new at trying all of this so if that's too low I can try to go up to 1500 or whatever

    Yeah MFP starts you off with a low amount, it's assuming you're going to exercise and eat those exercise calories back.

    Maybe I should ramp up to 1500 then. I'm not really working out much right now. Been trying to find time to go check out a gym but been working like crazy.
  • hannibalholt89
    hannibalholt89 Posts: 101 Member
    I find that the best way to do it is to first know how much you eat on a daily basis ( this is before you started working out or started your weight loss journey) after that I would cut that down about 200-250 cals just to start slow, and gradually lower it by about 200 cals.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    This week I have been eating the same amount of net calories each day. My weight has been at a low of 115 and a high of 122 (the 122 was after a very high sodium and hard workout day and I was back down to 117 the very next day). I fluctuate A LOT. I use Libra to enter my daily weight and pay attention to the trend, not the daily weight.
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I have wild weight fluctuations too and it drives me crazy. When you work so hard to lose .5 to 1 pound a week you want to see that reflected on the scale every week but it doesn't always work that way. I can see fluctuations of 2-4 pounds overnight. The only advice I have is to not obsess over the numbers on the scale, as long as you have a downward trend - be happy :)
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Fluctuation is normal. COuld be a # of reasons like higher sodium yesterday, TOM, stress. Or something as simple as your body is taking longer to expunge solid waste today. Or extra water being used to repair muscles from increased or newly intense workouts.

    Not sure there is a cap on the #. Seems that my variation is less now that I weight less, so maybe its more of a % than a #?
    jennyylee wrote: »
    So I've been doing pretty well (considering I usually have no will power) on my diet here, 1200 calories a day.. and my weight is still fluctuating a lot. A few days ago I got to a new low weight - 154, I weigh myself first thing in the morning today and I'm 159..
    How much of a fluctuation is expected? Any tips on not getting discouraged because of it?

  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    edited August 2015
    I weigh myself toooo often, but now I'm becoming desensitized to the fluctuations..

    One day I weighed in the morning at 302 and that night was 311, so just know these things happen.

    imo, pick a time, maybe morning before showering or whatever, weigh then, but still try not to get disheartened by supposed weight gains. =)
  • jennyylee
    jennyylee Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I do feel a little better now. I was ready to "relapse" as I call it and order a pizza lol.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    jennyylee wrote: »
    Thank you all for your responses. I do feel a little better now. I was ready to "relapse" as I call it and order a pizza lol.

    Seriously, if you're really hungry, consider upping your calories. You can lose weight a little slower and have more to work with. And you know what they say about slow & steady... :)