My bulk - A work in progress

So my bulk so far, I discovered this app in May and at this time I weighed 74kg/11.6st/163lbs. I have concentrated on hitting my calorie goal of 3400 each day, along with 4 work outs at the gym each week.
My weight as of today is 81kg/12.75st/178.57lbs which I'm extremely happy with as I have always struggled to get weight on!
I have recently discovered the strong lifts 5x5 workout and have started doing this just 2 days ago.
My bulk is going to follow my progress through this 12 week program, so expect more pics in good time!

My next weight goal was to reach 13st but I think I'm going to be able to smash this goal fairly easily!


  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Very impressive. Great job so far!
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    So it's been a month, I won't put any pics up until I have finished my 12 program on stronglifts.
    Before starting the program I was a fairly regular gym user, although my workouts were very stale, and all over the place, and I'd never make any progress.
    Stronglifts has given me a sense of direction and something to focus on, I like the way the app will try to push you more each day.
    I started using the app and straight away increased the starting weights as I thought they were a little low for someone who had been using the gym for a while.
    I'm at a point now with some of the exercises (especially squats) were I'm considering reloading as I think my form is suffering, I'll have to get some videos on for you guys to critique. Anyway here is my progress so far.


    Green is deadlift
    Blue is squat
    Grey is bench press
    Purple is overhead press
    Orange is barbell row
    Red is body weight (I've not been logging it as their is a bug with the app)
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Did you have to reset on OHP?
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    Did you have to reset on OHP?

    Not yet, but I feel like I'm close to deloading, I used to do a lot of rowing, which I think has given me a head start.
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    edited September 2015
    Was wondering as the graft has downward trends in OHP then up, then down and now looks like a steady increase?
    Maybe I just don't understand what goes into the graph.

    Regardless, looks like, from the first set of pics, you've made solid progress so far and are continuing to make progress and that's.......AWESOME!
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    aown61 wrote: »
    So my bulk so far, I discovered this app in May and at this time I weighed 74kg/11.6st/163lbs. I have concentrated on hitting my calorie goal of 3400 each day, along with 4 work outs at the gym each week.
    My weight as of today is 81kg/12.75st/178.57lbs which I'm extremely happy with as I have always struggled to get weight on!
    I have recently discovered the strong lifts 5x5 workout and have started doing this just 2 days ago.
    My bulk is going to follow my progress through this 12 week program, so expect more pics in good time!

    My next weight goal was to reach 13st but I think I'm going to be able to smash this goal fairly easily!

    Congrats. You are doing great so far. I was like you in that I struggled to get weight on. However since this time last year, I've added 15kg on and have gone from 55kg/121kg to more or less 70kg/154 by hitting 4,000 calories each day. I'll be switching over to maintenance soon. Keep up the good work.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Nice progress so far! Your back definitely shows you're a rower!
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Nice work Mate! Keep the graph info into your cut. These data points really help pinpoint diet and workout correlations. If you don't already, highly recommend you take tape measurements of your chest, arms, legs, neck, shoulders, waist and calves. You'll be amazed at how much they change as your bulk/cut cycles progress.
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks all.
    Nice work Mate! Keep the graph info into your cut. These data points really help pinpoint diet and workout correlations. If you don't already, highly recommend you take tape measurements of your chest, arms, legs, neck, shoulders, waist and calves. You'll be amazed at how much they change as your bulk/cut cycles progress.

    Cheers Tiberius, really wish I had taken Measurements when I started, I'm the guy that always skipped leg day and my legs are tiny spindles, the great thing about this program is its forcing me to squat each time, and although I don't see any noticeable differences in my legs they have definitely grown as my work trousers now get stuck around my thighs!

    *ill never skip leg day again!!!*
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited September 2015
    aown61 wrote: »
    Thanks all.
    Nice work Mate! Keep the graph info into your cut. These data points really help pinpoint diet and workout correlations. If you don't already, highly recommend you take tape measurements of your chest, arms, legs, neck, shoulders, waist and calves. You'll be amazed at how much they change as your bulk/cut cycles progress.

    Cheers Tiberius, really wish I had taken Measurements when I started, I'm the guy that always skipped leg day and my legs are tiny spindles, the great thing about this program is its forcing me to squat each time, and although I don't see any noticeable differences in my legs they have definitely grown as my work trousers now get stuck around my thighs!

    *ill never skip leg day again!!!*

    The unfortunate truth is many of us, no matter how hard we work them, will never have calves like the "Pros." LOL Be apart of our team....."Team No Calves!!!"
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    aown61 wrote: »
    Thanks all.
    Nice work Mate! Keep the graph info into your cut. These data points really help pinpoint diet and workout correlations. If you don't already, highly recommend you take tape measurements of your chest, arms, legs, neck, shoulders, waist and calves. You'll be amazed at how much they change as your bulk/cut cycles progress.

    Cheers Tiberius, really wish I had taken Measurements when I started, I'm the guy that always skipped leg day and my legs are tiny spindles, the great thing about this program is its forcing me to squat each time, and although I don't see any noticeable differences in my legs they have definitely grown as my work trousers now get stuck around my thighs!

    *ill never skip leg day again!!!*

    The unfortunate truth is many of us, no matter how hard we work them, will never have calves like the "Pros." LOL Be apart of our team....."Team No Calves!!!"

    Haha I like to refer to them as baby cows, just their still in the fetul stage!
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    aown61 wrote: »
    Thanks all.
    Nice work Mate! Keep the graph info into your cut. These data points really help pinpoint diet and workout correlations. If you don't already, highly recommend you take tape measurements of your chest, arms, legs, neck, shoulders, waist and calves. You'll be amazed at how much they change as your bulk/cut cycles progress.

    Cheers Tiberius, really wish I had taken Measurements when I started, I'm the guy that always skipped leg day and my legs are tiny spindles, the great thing about this program is its forcing me to squat each time, and although I don't see any noticeable differences in my legs they have definitely grown as my work trousers now get stuck around my thighs!

    *ill never skip leg day again!!!*

    Hey, we're in the same boat then! Was just mentioning in another thread I wish I could go back and slap my younger self and tell him "YOU NEVER SKIP LEG DAY YOU IDIOT!!!"

    It's still a good thing to take measurements even at this point. You will grow and it's kind of cool to look at measurements as they change on a monthly basis.
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited September 2015
    So it's been almost 2 months doing 5x5, I had to take a week out due to training away from home (for work) the app has automatically deloaded my weights, which I thought was pretty cool... If not surprising! Anyway, I have a video of today's deadlift, is my technique right?

    This is 105kg I'm 6ft 1 and weigh 81.8kg

    Ok how do I upload a video from my iPhone?
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    aown61 wrote: »
    So it's been almost 2 months doing 5x5, I had to take a week out due to training away from home (for work) the app has automatically deloaded my weights, which I thought was pretty cool... If not surprising! Anyway, I have a video of today's deadlift, is my technique right?

    This is 105kg I'm 6ft 1 and weigh 81.8kg

    Ok how do I upload a video from my iPhone?

    You need to upload it to a video sharing site like YouTube....then paste the link into your post on here.
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited September 2015
    jmule24 wrote: »
    aown61 wrote: »
    So it's been almost 2 months doing 5x5, I had to take a week out due to training away from home (for work) the app has automatically deloaded my weights, which I thought was pretty cool... If not surprising! Anyway, I have a video of today's deadlift, is my technique right?

    This is 105kg I'm 6ft 1 and weigh 81.8kg

    Ok how do I upload a video from my iPhone?

    You need to upload it to a video sharing site like YouTube....then paste the link into your post on here.

  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    aown61 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    aown61 wrote: »
    So it's been almost 2 months doing 5x5, I had to take a week out due to training away from home (for work) the app has automatically deloaded my weights, which I thought was pretty cool... If not surprising! Anyway, I have a video of today's deadlift, is my technique right?

    This is 105kg I'm 6ft 1 and weigh 81.8kg

    Ok how do I upload a video from my iPhone?

    You need to upload it to a video sharing site like YouTube....then paste the link into your post on here.


    Shoulders are in a "weak" position allowing your mid/upper back to round. As the weight continues to get heavier, you're going to start to feel it even more. Your head is "up" also allowing for your back to be compromised and cause rounding.

    Here's how to fix both of those issues.......

    Focus on pulling your shoulders back and then flexing your lats and bracing your core.

    You're looking out at the wall instead of down and out at the floor. Pause at the 0:06 mark and draw a straight line from the end of your butt up towards your head. You'll notice that the line runs right into the back of your head. Ideally, you want that imaginary line to cross over your head instead of going through it.

    Both are very easy fixes in my opinion. Hope this helps!
  • _Bropollo_
    _Bropollo_ Posts: 168 Member
    aown61 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    aown61 wrote: »
    So it's been almost 2 months doing 5x5, I had to take a week out due to training away from home (for work) the app has automatically deloaded my weights, which I thought was pretty cool... If not surprising! Anyway, I have a video of today's deadlift, is my technique right?

    This is 105kg I'm 6ft 1 and weigh 81.8kg

    Ok how do I upload a video from my iPhone?

    You need to upload it to a video sharing site like YouTube....then paste the link into your post on here.


    Back rounding is pretty pronounced, that will catch up to you at higher weights in the form of an injury, so I am glad you are looking for a form check.

    Try dropping the weight a bit, keeping your chest as high as possible when doing the lift, and your shoulders back. Allowing your shoulders to roll forward will tend to make you lift with your back. Pulling your shoulders back and chest out will also make you lock your spinal erectors and core up automatically. Also, your grip should be just outside of your shins; a wide-grip will also load your back up instead of your legs.

    Possible your spinal erectors just aren't strong enough yet to handle that weight and allow you to keep your back straight either. My spinal erectors needed a ton of work when I first started deads, and continued to be the weak link many months in.\

    Buff Dudes deadlift technique:
  • aown61
    aown61 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys I'll put it into practice next time, I will also get a vid of my squats to check soon. Thanks again!
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    _Bropollo_ wrote: »
    aown61 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    aown61 wrote: »
    So it's been almost 2 months doing 5x5, I had to take a week out due to training away from home (for work) the app has automatically deloaded my weights, which I thought was pretty cool... If not surprising! Anyway, I have a video of today's deadlift, is my technique right?

    This is 105kg I'm 6ft 1 and weigh 81.8kg

    Ok how do I upload a video from my iPhone?

    You need to upload it to a video sharing site like YouTube....then paste the link into your post on here.


    Back rounding is pretty pronounced, that will catch up to you at higher weights in the form of an injury, so I am glad you are looking for a form check.

    Try dropping the weight a bit, keeping your chest as high as possible when doing the lift, and your shoulders back. Allowing your shoulders to roll forward will tend to make you lift with your back. Pulling your shoulders back and chest out will also make you lock your spinal erectors and core up automatically. Also, your grip should be just outside of your shins; a wide-grip will also load your back up instead of your legs.

    Possible your spinal erectors just aren't strong enough yet to handle that weight and allow you to keep your back straight either. My spinal erectors needed a ton of work when I first started deads, and continued to be the weak link many months in.\

    Buff Dudes deadlift technique:
    First rep looked decent but after that pretty poor. Try to set-up for each rep like the first. My DL sets are more like a string of singles, completely resetting before each pull.

  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Agree with the others regarding rounding the back. You mentioned you're 6'1" How is your flexibility? Here is a good article that describes how to determine the best deadlift style based on your body measurements:

    You might be more suited to sumo style.