New to the Block

Hi everyone I am Summer and was told about this web site and I do have to say it is great! I really appreciate being able to have support on here and have all my friends on here too! I am trying to lose a lot of weight and know its going to be a really hard challenge. I am currently on a 1200 calorie diet per the site and I am starving. I never knew how much food I really consumed until yesterday when it said I was 610 over my allowance. Let me know any tricks that might help!:tongue:


  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hi Summer, and welcome! This is a great site - all kinds of support and inspiration.

    My best advice is to stick with as much unprocessed and unrefined stuff as you can. To me, when I eat things made with white flour or sugar and overly processed stuff it doesn't satisfy. Sometimes even makes me hungrier! When I eat fresh fruits and (mostly) veggies and whole grain products, I stay fuller longer on less food. Plus tons of water. Learn to love it if you don't! :laugh:

    I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Hello and welcome.....this site is awesome and you will have awesome results, if you are honest with all your entries

    I agree, I didnt realize just how much I use to eat, prior to logging my calories.....

    Goodluck on your journey

    You can do this
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Hi, I'm new to the site too.

    I really agree with boaterbunny. Processed and highly refined carbohydrates, no matter what form they're in, seem to make me especially hungry. I try to eat fruit and veggies with every meal. it fills me up. Save part of your meal for a snack later. Eat slower.

    There's been a lot written about diet soda too... some "experts" think artificial sweeteners trigger cravings for real sugar sweets. I think it might be true.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I would suggest also eating higher fiber and protein foods. Drink lots of water. It will get better. When you want to snack, snack on fruits and veggies if you can.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Feel free to ad me as a friend.
  • mcbeth
    mcbeth Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome. I have found that I get full on less by eating slower, eating mindfully. When I get hungry for a snack I eat something with protein to help hold me over. Apple & peanut butter or the new Dannon Greek Style yogurt that stuff could become addictive.
  • summerjoy0621
    summerjoy0621 Posts: 29 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow thanks so much everyone for all the advice and words of encouragement! I have been heavy since high school and it seems to just get worse and worse no matter what. I know I am serious about it this time, I haven't even had a Dr Pepper today and I normally have 2 during the day and then one with my dinner. I will be getting my gym membership next week then I hope to see more will power! Have a great night yall!