What causes and heals popping knees?

Ever since I started my career with an office job, my knees crack/pop when I walk. I have lost weight since then (50 lbs), and yes, the problem is still there. My only form of exercise is walking long distances, so I thought that would make it go away. Does anyone know what this is, and what I should do? I'd rather not pay for a doctor unless it's a medical condition.


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Just popping? Gasses in the joint moving around. It's generally non-harmful.
    Sounds like a couple of frogs mud wrestling in a bowl of raw meatloaf? That's crepitus. Rough surface tissues.
    Afraid there isn't much you can do about that.

    Some people report glucosamine/fish oil helps. But.

    ps - if it's associated with any sort of pain, you should talk to your doctor.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    @GetSoda: Thanks. Yeah it's just popping, so it must be the gasses in the joint. I'm sitting at a desk for 8 hours, so it's really messed up my body. My knees pop and my back aches all of the time, despite everything I've tried to do outside of work.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    @GetSoda: Thanks. Yeah it's just popping, so it must be the gasses in the joint. I'm sitting at a desk for 8 hours, so it's really messed up my body. My knees pop and my back aches all of the time, despite everything I've tried to do outside of work.

    You should hear me stretch in the morning. Sounds like a sherman tank rolling over a hundred yards of extra jumbo bubble wrap. That said, here's a few things to do:

    > Get up every 20 minutes. Even if it's JUST to stand up for a few seconds.
    > Get out of your chair without using your arms.
    > Work on mobility (Especially IT band mobilization.( I like mobilitywod site for demos.