Daily values help please

okay, so because of family history of diabetes, my mother has it and I'm at a big risk. I'm trying something like the diet she is on, which is low carb more protein and frugies. I just can't cut carbs completely, it's too unrealistic for me in college and such a bread and pasta lover. But I am lowering my intake as much as I can and eating more proteins.

So, I just had eggs, scrambled plain and I had about a cup. My values thing I have set that I want more proteins that carbs, but it did that alert which I love those, saying my fat is almost used up. So, my question is, what do I need to adjust to get realistic, reasonable values and goals and how do I do it? I know the sugars and sodium need to be low but I really don't see how eggs have a lot of bad fat. Thanks in advance.


  • wilsonm2014
    wilsonm2014 Posts: 182 Member
    Try a low carbs (100 grams a day) high protein/fat portions. Good fats-whole eggs, etc..
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Ignore those warnings; look at your fat and protein goals as minimums.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2015
    Do you know more details about your mother's diet, like her recommended macros (or grams of protein, carbs, and fat)?

    If you want to try a reduced carb diet, the first choice is whether you just want to try more moderate carbs (especially if you've been eating a lot) or if you want to try going low carb. Then you'd want to decide if you want to do keto or not.

    Normally when people reduce carbs they increase fat, as there is no benefit to having protein especially high (higher than a lot of people get, yes).

    For example, I am 125 lb, so aim for about 110-115 g of protein, which happens to be about 30% of my diet (it's higher than I need, but consistent with how I enjoy eating). My understanding is that on a low carb diet (I eat about 40% carbs, so normal or maybe moderate carbs) I'd keep protein about the same or actually lower it and just increase fat a lot.

    You might want to figure out a reasonable protein goal for you, what your carb goal is (maybe something like under 100 grams to start), and then fill in the rest as fat. The main thing is that you can go into goals and set your targets yourself rather than sticking with MFP's numbers (which should prevent those warnings if they annoy you).

    Eggs are fine.
  • 199orBUST
    199orBUST Posts: 47 Member
    It's not just lowering the carbs...you have to clean them up.

    Don't look at carbs as the enemy. They are necessary. Just try to avoid the simple carbs like table sugar, corn syrup, fruit juice, cake, white bread, pop, etc. and stick with the complex carbs like spinach, whole barley, grapefruit, buckwheat or 100% whole wheat bread, zucchini, oatmeal or asparagus.

    And as far as pasta goes, technically, both white and whole wheat pasta are complex carbs. Both spike your insulin levels, but whole wheat pasta less so because the fiber replaces some of the starch content and the fiber itself is like a buffer with regard to the insulin response.

    SO we can still have pasta. Just make it healthy pasta and use portion control.

    Sure hope this helps, even a little. :-)