Why do people eat back their exercise calories?



  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Er...so I can eat more? Eating is fun! It's good! I'm 4'11" and no way I'm going to eat some piddling 1200kcal amount every day. That would suck. Plus my deficit would be somewhere in the range of 1000-1800kcal per day depending on how busy I am, I'm not interested in losing weight that fast.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Everything @rabbitjb said.

    I also handily have someone on my feed who is eating below 1200 a day, is working out and not eating their calories back. They are now using pre-workouts to mask the exhaustion just to get through training. And now they've disappeared for two days. This is a pretty good example of how not to do it, ignoring what your body is trying to tell you is bad news as is consistently undereating. I hope said person is okay and has just fallen off the wagon.

    Would I lose faster if I didn't eat them back? Absolutely. Would my body look as good once I got closer to goal weight? Probably not. Would I be permanently hangry and possibly screw up my already on a knife edge mental health? Quite likely.

    Plus, I like food. So I'm going to eat back some of those calories, I earned them!

    cocconuttymummy right?

  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    edited August 2015

    So you have mfp set to maintain and you're creating your deficit with only exercise?

    This is becoming more relevent to the current thread. If you have 85 calories "earned" that's not your only deficit, that's on top of how much you put into mfp that you wanted to lose. So unless your goal is maintenance, you have a bigger deficit than you think.[/quote]

    I have MFP set to 1000. I use a Fitbit HR Charge which I sync with MFP and use negative calorie adjustments. I haven't logged my day today because I ended eating out at a sushi bar with a girlfriend, but the fitbit itself says I used 1285, which means that's all I should eat to maintain. (I'm sure I ate more than that since I had a meal out.) I'm sure if I entered all my data, with the negative adjustment, MFP would probably give me only 1000. Yesterday I had a busier day, campus walking plus my regular 30 minutes walk, which includes 2 hills, and MFP with the fitbit negative adjustments gave me 0 extra calories. I did end up going over and eating 1225, which often happens. Obviously, I'm eating at maintenance because I haven't lost weight in a long time. By the way, I weigh 120. The point is I'm maintaining on around 1200 calories or so a day. Unless I do a real heavy work out (which I do only about twice a week), there's no point to eating exercise calories.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Op just an example.

    If mfp gave someone 1200 calories to lose weight, and this person then went out and burned 1000 calories through exercise, but didn't eat them back... Then this would mean they'd net a measly 200 calories. Nobody can sustain a healthy lifestyle eating 200 calories a day.

    As for eating back exercise calories. I do, because it allows me to eat more food while still losing weight. Win win :smiley::+1:
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    rosebette wrote: »

    So you have mfp set to maintain and you're creating your deficit with only exercise?

    This is becoming more relevent to the current thread. If you have 85 calories "earned" that's not your only deficit, that's on top of how much you put into mfp that you wanted to lose. So unless your goal is maintenance, you have a bigger deficit than you think.[/quote]

    I have MFP set to 1000. I use a Fitbit HR Charge which I sync with MFP and use negative calorie adjustments. I haven't logged my day today because I ended eating out at a sushi bar with a girlfriend, but the fitbit itself says I used 1285, which means that's all I should eat to maintain. (I'm sure I ate more than that since I had a meal out.) I'm sure if I entered all my data, with the negative adjustment, MFP would probably give me only 1000. Yesterday I had a busier day, campus walking plus my regular 30 minutes walk, which includes 2 hills, and MFP with the fitbit negative adjustments gave me 0 extra calories. I did end up going over and eating 1225, which often happens. Obviously, I'm eating at maintenance because I haven't lost weight in a long time. By the way, I weigh 120. The point is I'm maintaining on around 1200 calories or so a day. Unless I do a real heavy work out (which I do only about twice a week), there's no point to eating exercise calories.

    Your not the only one like this.
    My daily burn according to fitness tracker is pretty much the same. I have to take a hour wog each night to earn some deficit calories. idk.... thinking maybe I need to start weight lifting to see if that helps with a calorie burn or get another walk in in the morning.
    I do eat them back sometimes b.c I want IceCream !!!
    and as many have said, tighten up my logging.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Because the winner gets to eat the most and still lose.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!
    Because most people follow the MFP method on MFP which is designed to give you a defecit without exercise..so when you exercise you burn more calories and get to eat more

    Because it is motivating to move more in order to expand your diet

    Because we need to fuel our bodies appropriately for life and fitness

    Because I don't want to burn through more LBM than necessary as I lose weight

    Because food is delicious and it's not an exercise in deprivation

    Because the wider the diet the less chance of crashing and burning

    Because it sets you on a good path for maintenance

    Because at the end of the day the one who achieves their goals and eats the most wins

    Because I can

    This. ^^^^

    Lost 121 pounds. ;)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Karmyeboo wrote: »
    I've never understood this, I've always worked out to burn calories in order to loose weigh.. It seems so obvious not to eat them back - what was the point in the first place?
    I'm assuming it's so people can eat more food?

    Can someone shed some light on this, thanks!
    Because most people follow the MFP method on MFP which is designed to give you a defecit without exercise..so when you exercise you burn more calories and get to eat more

    Because it is motivating to move more in order to expand your diet

    Because we need to fuel our bodies appropriately for life and fitness

    Because I don't want to burn through more LBM than necessary as I lose weight

    Because food is delicious and it's not an exercise in deprivation

    Because the wider the diet the less chance of crashing and burning

    Because it sets you on a good path for maintenance

    Because at the end of the day the one who achieves their goals and eats the most wins

    Because I can

    This. ^^^^

    Lost 121 pounds. ;)

    Awesomness :heart:

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I would pass out while running if I didn't eat most of my exercise calories back.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    @minties82 I didn't want to name names but yes. And she's back, didn't fall of the wagon. She does worry me though.

  • Karmyeboo
    Karmyeboo Posts: 33 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    rosebette wrote: »
    If that was your take away from that thread, I'm sorry. Probably 95% of the people suggested that you should tighten up your logging. Probably half suggested that if you're using mfp to calculate calories burned from exercise they would be too high; you should probably log half to two thirds or just use your fitbit. There were maybe 2 or 3 that suggested you need to net very low, and one who is convinced there's something wrong and you should see a doctor.

    I would tighten up your logging for a month and see what happens. No reasons to make 5 different changes at once, especially when one of those drastically reduces your intake.

    Well, today was a typical less active day. Had a mammogram scheduled so missed my workout, met a friend for lunch, spent the day working with a student and correcting papers at home, did a 30 minute walk later which burned about 135 calories. My total for the day -- 1282. This means that if I ate 1200 calories, I'd have only an 82 calorie deficit. So on a non-heavy exercise day, not only tighten logging, but lower threshold if I want to see any loss. There's no point in "eating back" that 135 calories. This probably wouldn't be true for a 30 year old who is 5'5", but it's true for someone of my age and size.

    So you have mfp set to maintain and you're creating your deficit with only exercise?

    This is becoming more relevent to the current thread. If you have 85 calories "earned" that's not your only deficit, that's on top of how much you put into mfp that you wanted to lose. So unless your goal is maintenance, you have a bigger deficit than you think.

    Thank you, Thank you.
    What you said was so simply put and easy to understand
  • Karmyeboo
    Karmyeboo Posts: 33 Member
    Op just an example.

    If mfp gave someone 1200 calories to lose weight, and this person then went out and burned 1000 calories through exercise, but didn't eat them back... Then this would mean they'd net a measly 200 calories. Nobody can sustain a healthy lifestyle eating 200 calories a day.

    As for eating back exercise calories. I do, because it allows me to eat more food while still losing weight. Win win :smiley::+1:

    Ah I see, yes I understand this.
    Thank you for your informative reply :)
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    I have been in a plateau for the last couple of weeks. Was not able to get down below 209. Looking back at my food log, I had really slacked off on the water intake, and I had been doing the same exercise every day on my bike. I decided to crank up the water intake again and take a break from the bike--doing the elliptical every morning this week instead. I also started only eating back about half of my workout calories just to account for any margin of error.

    Long story short, on Wednesday I was still 209 and today I'm 207--so I'm in one of those glorious "whoosh" phases again and it feels great. Trouble is, I'm not sure which change I made to trigger it. Was it the water, the change in workout routine, or the not eating back calories.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    edited August 2015
    Because exercising your body all the time and not eating enough to be even close to fueling the activity is probably just as unhealthy for you as being overweight in the first place. You can't just eat nothing and force yourself to burn burn burn. You WILL hurt yourself doing that. It's not less self destructive than binge eating.

    Personally I don't actually eat my exercise calories back. But I don't use the MFP method. I just use MFP's logging system. And if at some point I start to crash. You know feeling dog tired, Low performance. Stomach rumbling ALL the time. I assume I haven't eaten enough make myself a slap up nutritious and high calorie meal. And then move on.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    Because at the end of the day the one who achieves their goals and eats the most wins

    Because I can

    ^^ this :smile:

  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    I eat my daily calorie goal (currently 1400) and exercise every day but never eat extra for calories burned. Lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks, happy with that and I don't deprive myself and feel fitter and healthier than ever. 28 lbs still to lose. Feel not eating them back is right for me
  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    Op just an example.

    If mfp gave someone 1200 calories to lose weight, and this person then went out and burned 1000 calories through exercise, but didn't eat them back... Then this would mean they'd net a measly 200 calories. Nobody can sustain a healthy lifestyle eating 200 calories a day.

    As for eating back exercise calories. I do, because it allows me to eat more food while still losing weight. Win win :smiley::+1:

    This is exactly the same example I was going to use - I'm on 1250 a day (5'4) and will burn around 300-500 calories three times a week and 600-900 once or twice a week. Even if you just count half of that (which is the general consensus on here), I'm already on a deficit of 500 that MFP has calculated plus the exercise calories. That would mean almost every day I'd be on a huge deficit which I genuinely don't think I'd be able to maintain long term. As for eating them back, I just go with how my body is feeling throughout the day, sometimes I eat more sometimes less, it all pretty much averages out while I consistently lose weight steadily, happy days!
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    The point is to net enough calories that I have enough energy to get through my daily activities, and to have a small deficit so that I get to my goal weight. Some days I am more active, so of course I eat more. If I didn't, I'd be grumpy and listless, and I likely wouldn't be able to make many (or any) fitness gains. I don't like the idea of being lightheaded, weak, tired, or irritable because I didn't get enough to eat. Undereating to excess is just as bad as overeating to excess -- probably it's worse, actually.

    I say this as someone close to her goal weight. People with a lot to lose may have more wiggle room to not eat those exercise calories, but it would be an absolutely bad idea for me to do the same.
  • dinsfamily
    dinsfamily Posts: 84 Member
    I think it can also depend on what your workouts are. I'm only 23 days in and still figuring out how CICO works with my workout schedule. So far, I've just been Crossfitting since starting MFP. I don't have a clue as to how many calories I burn at Crossfit because everyday is so different. I log it, but just have my recovery shake and call that good for extra cals. I've had plenty of energy and am still making steady gains while losing weight slowly. I start my running season tomorrow and that will change how I eat back my exercise cals. I am pretty confident in my running burns so I will eat back about 50% of my weekday runs and 100% of my weekend long runs. I can adjust that with how I feel as time progresses. I have a good 2 months until my half marathon training to get a feel for it. If I don't get enough calories for my long runs, it makes them MISERABLE. Even a 1hr track workout can be rough without enough calories in my body. I'm actually excited to track calories for the first time during a training season so I can take some of the guesswork out of my eating. Last year without counting calories, I overcompensated and actually gained a couple of lbs during training season.

    I'm also 5'1.5" so my deficit at 1200 cals (preworkout) isn't very big. Working out helps me make it bigger, but I don't want it to be too big to the detriment of my body or my fitness.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Because most people follow the MFP method on MFP which is designed to give you a defecit without exercise..so when you exercise you burn more calories and get to eat more

    Because it is motivating to move more in order to expand your diet

    Because we need to fuel our bodies appropriately for life and fitness

    Because I don't want to burn through more LBM than necessary as I lose weight

    Because food is delicious and it's not an exercise in deprivation

    Because the wider the diet the less chance of crashing and burning

    Because it sets you on a good path for maintenance

    Because at the end of the day the one who achieves their goals and eats the most wins

    Because I can

    This question is asked on here at least 6 times per day. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise given the little article MFP frequently sends out about not eating back exercise calories. Still, this is the best response I've seen yet. Comprehensive and easy to understand. The stuff stickies are made of :)