So frustrated

I'm getting close to that point where I just think screw it, and give up on tying to lose weight. Around 4 years ago I lost 80 pounds without trying. I honestly have no idea what I did, but I was losing weight and looking great. Then 3 1/2 years ago my house burned down and I used eating to cope with the stress of everything. I gained back roughly 40 pounds. After all that I was blessed with a pregnancy and gained 50 more pounds during my pregnancy. I've lost 20 pounds since giving birth, but now I'm stuck right back where I was before I lost the weight to begin with! I'm just so frustrated because I'm eating better than I was when I lost all my weight and exercising more too, but I'm not getting anywhere! I guess what I need most is someone to help motivate me.


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    "Eating better" is not going to cut it. If you aren't tracking your calories accurately and weighing your food, you'll have no real way of knowing for sure you're eating at a deficit. It sounds like you're probably inadvertently eating more than you think.

    Try weighing and logging every bite of your food for a month, and see where that takes you.
  • larkolivia
    larkolivia Posts: 3 Member
    I do and I always end the day with left over calories, that's what is so frustrating
  • fockenhough
    fockenhough Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! I haven't lost either and I've been very disciplined. My PA thinks it may be a thyroid issue.
    Going to keep on keepin on though...
    Hoping to find some insight in this community:)
  • annadaira
    annadaira Posts: 4 Member
    I was having the same issues. Calories going in were lower than those going out. But i still wasn't losing weight. How is that possible?? Then I went to see what I call my "fat doctor". Turns out the types of things I was eating at the start of my day were setting me up for disaster and spiking my insulin levels first thing on an empty stomach. This affected how I processed foods for the rest of the day. Once I went super low carb for my first meal, the weight has slowly started to come off again.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP if you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Get food scale weigh all solid foods and measure liquids. Be accurate, count every little secret bite, they add up quickly.

    Read this OP: