Need help getting started

135aj Posts: 12 Member
Hello everyone ~ I just signed up here and would like some help to get started on a new road to fitness. I'm very much overweight and my health is starting to decline. Being 44 yrs old, I know now is the time to get in shape and get healthier. My biggest hurdles are I'm the only one in my family (and my circle of co-workers/friends) that is this heavy. It's hard to discuss healthy recipes with a stick figure. :( Plus, I love food. I love to cook and try new recipes and I've (just recently) realized that I turn to food for 'comfort' for tons of reasons. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you. :)


    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 80 Member
    The biggest hurdle for me was transitioning my diet to clean foods. Getting off all the processed crap and eating whole foods. I used to live out of stuff in boxes (mainly because it was quick and easy) now I rarely eat anything that even comes in a can.

    Look for ways to clean up everything you cook. I started with phasing out all the processed stuff. Then I started incorporating at least 1 green smoothie a day, then I went to eating 2 of my meals 100% raw vegan... so nothing but fruits/veggies/nuts/seeds. The more raw foods I eat, the better I feel. I still allow myself comfort foods in extreme moderation (and I usually feel like crap after I eat them) but I also have emotional ties with food (I didn't get to 286 pounds without having issues with food).

    If you give me examples of what you eat, I can help you modify it to a cleaner/healthier version. I find the key is to still eat things that taste like the old way.... then you don't feel deprived. You just have to get creative in the kitchen. My hubby says I'm the recipe tweaking master LOL