Here I go again . . . roller coaster ride

I lost 75 pounds in a little over a year. I have now gained at least 30 of it back (I have not weighed myself in months). This happens to me all the time. I self-destruct. I need to get back on the path to good health but need some help. I am 62 years old but feel pretty good (except for the weight roller-coaster ride I've been on my entire life). I not only want to lose weight, but I also want to shape and tone. I need some pointers as to what I can do. Thanks for your input.


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Identify why why you self-destruct and get off goal and try to stop doing that.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited August 2015
    I don't know what is best for you. For me, it's focusing on my health. I eat foods that give me vitamins and minerals that I need. I skip foods that don't. Fiber, I can use. Excess sugar? Don't need it. I need to stay low-fat. It would be a lot easier to get iron and some other things if I didn't have that limitation, but I work with it.

    Next time you're at the doctor, get some advice on what you should and shouldn't be eating to be your healthiest. If you have to be on some special diet, a dietitian can be a godsend. If not, you may be able to do it yourself...or you can get some pointers from one, anyway. A doctor and a dietitian make it very easy...and you always know you're doing what is best for you, no matter what you hear from friends or read in magazines or online.

    I think 30-60 minutes with a dietitian is the best time anyone can spend on their diet.

    Good luck. :)
  • jaliving
    jaliving Posts: 57 Member
    edited August 2015
    God I feel this. I am the same way. Up - Down - Up - Down. It never fails and advice like "Identify why you self-destruct" just doesn't cut it. I KNOW why I self destruct. I LOVE food. I LOVE rest. I HATE cooking. I HATE exercise. It is a toxic combination that I honestly do not know how to overcome. I've seen professionals on all fronts, dieticians, nutritionists, trainers, doctors, you name it. I have all the data and tools I could need. Yet, I fail each and every time. Now I am right where you are, again.

    I do recall years ago, after having smoked cigarettes for a couple decades, I gave it up once and for all. Just like weight-loss, I tried quitting countless times. One day though, I decided I was going to quit "quitting" and it worked.

    I figure this battle is no different. I will keep holding on tight to this Yo-Yo until one time, hopefully this one, it works. Until there is a magic pill, I think the only answer is to keep trying, over and over and over, if needed.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    God I feel this. I am the same way. Up - Down - Up - Down. It never fails and advice like "Identify why you self-destruct" just doesn't cut it. I KNOW why I self destruct. I LOVE food. I LOVE rest. I HATE cooking. I HATE exercise. It is a toxic combination that I honestly do not know how to overcome. I've seen professionals on all fronts, dieticians, nutritionists, trainers, doctors, you name it. I have all the data and tools I could need. Yet, I fail each and every time. Now I am right where you are, again.

    I do recall years ago, after having smoked cigarettes for a couple decades, I gave it up once and for all. Just like weight-loss, I tried quitting countless times. One day though, I decided I was going to quit "quitting" and it worked.

    I figure this battle is no different. I will keep holding on tight to this Yo-Yo until one time, hopefully this one, it works. Until there is a magic pill, I think the only answer is to keep trying, over and over and over, if needed.
    I love this post. :)

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    God I feel this. I am the same way. Up - Down - Up - Down. It never fails and advice like "Identify why you self-destruct" just doesn't cut it. I KNOW why I self destruct. I LOVE food. I LOVE rest. I HATE cooking. I HATE exercise. It is a toxic combination that I honestly do not know how to overcome. I've seen professionals on all fronts, dieticians, nutritionists, trainers, doctors, you name it. I have all the data and tools I could need. Yet, I fail each and every time. Now I am right where you are, again.

    I do recall years ago, after having smoked cigarettes for a couple decades, I gave it up once and for all. Just like weight-loss, I tried quitting countless times. One day though, I decided I was going to quit "quitting" and it worked.

    I figure this battle is no different. I will keep holding on tight to this Yo-Yo until one time, hopefully this one, it works. Until there is a magic pill, I think the only answer is to keep trying, over and over and over, if needed.
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.

    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.
  • jaliving
    jaliving Posts: 57 Member
    edited August 2015
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.
    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.

    It isn't like you get some special magic power just because something is sufficiently important to you. You don't get more energy, your cells don't metabolize faster, and your choices don't become easier. If anything, it causes more stress and keeps me awake at night, both of which are counterproductive to weight loss. Hard is hard no matter its importance.

    Also, because it is extremely important to me, I keep trying. Your advice is belittling.

  • wifeofonemomofthree
    wifeofonemomofthree Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2015
    TwoNinetyTwo - - Yes! You know, sometimes it's just enough to have someone understand what you are going through to get you going again . . . if that makes sense. I will keep on trying, and keep on trying . . . and since I don't hold out much hope for a magic pill . . . I'll keep on trying :) Thanks for the encouragement!

    And, to be honest, I know what I should be eating to be healthy. It's just I like the other stuff so much better :) So, I think I need to find healthy substitutes that can give me as much satisfaction eating it as the non healthy stuff.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.
    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.

    It isn't like you get some special magic power just because something is sufficiently important to you. You don't get more energy, your cells don't metabolize faster, and your choices don't become easier. If anything, it causes more stress and keeps me awake at night, both of which are counterproductive to weight loss. Hard is hard no matter its importance.

    Also, because it is extremely important to me, I keep trying. Your advice is belittling.

    I disagree.

    When losing weight became an important goal for me, I became focused on it. It takes priority over other things that used to be my priority. My workouts are non-negotiable time. They happen before I go to bed that night, period. Logging is non-negotiable. It happens.

    I got rid of the excuses, focused, made it important enough to bump other things down my priority list, and made these behaviors into habits.

    Being hopeful isn't a plan. Reorganizing your priorities to make this happen is. It's not belittling to tell the truth.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.
    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.

    It isn't like you get some special magic power just because something is sufficiently important to you. You don't get more energy, your cells don't metabolize faster, and your choices don't become easier. If anything, it causes more stress and keeps me awake at night, both of which are counterproductive to weight loss. Hard is hard no matter its importance.

    Also, because it is extremely important to me, I keep trying. Your advice is belittling.
    I thought your post was honest and very funny. "I HATE exercise." :D

    I admire your persistence.

    I also think that your honesty gets you closer to losing than many people. Good luck. :)
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.
    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.

    It isn't like you get some special magic power just because something is sufficiently important to you. You don't get more energy, your cells don't metabolize faster, and your choices don't become easier. If anything, it causes more stress and keeps me awake at night, both of which are counterproductive to weight loss. Hard is hard no matter its importance.
    Maybe the fact that you think following through on what's important to you is a special magic power is part of the problem.

    The choices don't have to be any easier. No one said it would be easy. No one said it wouldn't be hard. If it were easy, fewer people would be obese. That doesn't mean the right choices don't consistently have to be made if you want to succeed.

    If eating is more important than losing weight, you'll eat. That's your choice. If losing weight is more important, you'll do that. That's also your choice.

    Hoping to lose weight isn't going to be enough.

  • wifeofonemomofthree
    wifeofonemomofthree Posts: 16 Member
    You know, I appreciate all the comments here to my plea for help. My husband and I run an addiction recovery program and I know that just because you commit to something and reorganize your priorities doesn't mean that you won't fail at times and have to start again. I know the importance of never giving up and starting over and over and over again. I do want to state that it is not as easy as a couple of you seem to think it is. There are actual physical limitations and chemical issues working against us. That doesn't mean we won't be successful. It just means that it won't be easy and we may have to keep "starting over" - never give up, in other words.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    You know, I appreciate all the comments here to my plea for help. My husband and I run an addiction recovery program and I know that just because you commit to something and reorganize your priorities doesn't mean that you won't fail at times and have to start again. I know the importance of never giving up and starting over and over and over again. I do want to state that it is not as easy as a couple of you seem to think it is. There are actual physical limitations and chemical issues working against us. That doesn't mean we won't be successful. It just means that it won't be easy and we may have to keep "starting over" - never give up, in other words.
    Who here said it was easy? Anyone? No? Then why make the claim?

    What physical and chemical limitations are causing you to eat too much?

  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    I think that many of us on MFP have experienced yo-yo dieting and many of us could also write books on nutrition and fitness. I often think that knowing what we should do-- and can often accomplish for 3 or 6 or 9 months-- is much, much easier than continuing to do it over a lifetime when faced with stress, the holidays, illness, travel, etc. I know that two of my personal nemesis are the holidays and that moment every time I am taking really good care of myself that I start to get resentful that I can't eat like a "normal" person and one indulgent meal becomes two, then three, then a new, unhealthy pattern has emerged. I had some serious "aha" moments when I read Judith Beck's The Diet Solution and The Diet Trap Solution which really help us identify the thoughts and habits that sabotage us over and over again. I took them out from the library but soon bought my own copies because these are thoughts and strategies that I think I will want to revisit multiple times at different points in my journey. Good luck with your journey and I am happy to be added as a friend.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.
    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.

    It isn't like you get some special magic power just because something is sufficiently important to you. You don't get more energy, your cells don't metabolize faster, and your choices don't become easier. If anything, it causes more stress and keeps me awake at night, both of which are counterproductive to weight loss. Hard is hard no matter its importance.

    Also, because it is extremely important to me, I keep trying. Your advice is belittling.
    How is it belittling to you?

    Saying something is extremely important is one thing. Demonstrating through your choices that it is extremely important is another. You've done the first.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    God I feel this. I am the same way. Up - Down - Up - Down. It never fails and advice like "Identify why you self-destruct" just doesn't cut it. I KNOW why I self destruct. I LOVE food. I LOVE rest. I HATE cooking. I HATE exercise. It is a toxic combination that I honestly do not know how to overcome. I've seen professionals on all fronts, dieticians, nutritionists, trainers, doctors, you name it. I have all the data and tools I could need. Yet, I fail each and every time. Now I am right where you are, again.

    I do recall years ago, after having smoked cigarettes for a couple decades, I gave it up once and for all. Just like weight-loss, I tried quitting countless times. One day though, I decided I was going to quit "quitting" and it worked.

    I figure this battle is no different. I will keep holding on tight to this Yo-Yo until one time, hopefully this one, it works. Until there is a magic pill, I think the only answer is to keep trying, over and over and over, if needed.

    I admire your tenacity, I truly do! It's exactly how I quit smoking. I quit every Monday, it seemed. Sometimes it lasted until 1 pm on Monday. Sometimes it lasted until Friday. Sometimes it lasted for two weeks. Eventually it stuck forever.

    I'm not sure losing weight was the same for me. I hope you find enough self-love to examine the things that truly are important to you and make a commitment to let minor blips not derail a life-long pursuit of a more healthful and balanced existence. For me and losing weight, small changes worked. And a lot of those small (for the most part permanent) changes revolved around me asking this kind of questions: do I want to be the kind of person who does x? or does y? And in 10 years, which choice between those two will result in me being a happier, more fulfilled human being capable of giving my best energy to the people I love. I know it sounds like I'm vilifying particular foods or habits, but I'm not. I just shifted my trajectory slowly towards the kinds of things that I saw was resulting in the kind of life I wanted when I looked at the people I knew. It didn't happen overnight. It wasn't a sudden snap. I *WANTED* to be the kind of person running half marathons at age 60 instead of in the hospital with a leg amputation for diabetes complications. I *WANTED* to be the kind of person who walked up the stairs at work instead of taking an elevator up one flight. I *WANTED* to learn how to cook delicious food instead of relying on others. I *WANTED* to be a good role model to the young women I knew instead of making excuses about why I was fat and couldn't go on roller coaster rides with them. I *WANTED* to be educated about the things I put in my body instead of the kind of person who listened to advertisers.

    I hope you find what you need, too. Good luck, ok?
  • wifeofonemomofthree
    wifeofonemomofthree Posts: 16 Member
    I'd really appreciate this string of comments not turning into something contentious. How about exercises? I know that it's important to do weight training and resistance training as well as cardio. I don't belong to a gym so I need some suggestions on at-home stuff I can do. Thanks.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Then it's simply insufficiently important to you.
    Being hopeful isn't much of a plan.

    It isn't like you get some special magic power just because something is sufficiently important to you. You don't get more energy, your cells don't metabolize faster, and your choices don't become easier. If anything, it causes more stress and keeps me awake at night, both of which are counterproductive to weight loss. Hard is hard no matter its importance.

    Also, because it is extremely important to me, I keep trying. Your advice is belittling.

    Exercise is sufficiently important to me, so despite not getting my full 8 hours of sleep all week, I've dragged myself out of bed and gone hiking in the woods four out of five days this week. Exercise gives me energy. I'm two hours short of sleep today and not feeling bad for it.

    I know you said you hate exercise - but there are tons of ways to get it. I don't currently have a gym membership and have been enjoying swimming, yoga, hiking, and gardening. Lately I've been combining hiking and gardening by bringing clippers with me and maintaining the trail. I find this meditative, lost track of time this morning, and was late for work.

    When I do have a gym membership, there are a plethora of activities that don't interest me, but enough options that I can always find something that does. For example, I don't like treadmills, but I do like overhead tracks. I haven't run in decades since I got out of the military and no one could force me to run anymore, but I do like to walk.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    In the house, you can do bodyweight stuff, exercise videos...or just dance around the house.

    Walking is underrated, IMO. Walking and swimming are my two biggies. :)
  • wifeofonemomofthree
    wifeofonemomofthree Posts: 16 Member
    I don't hate exercise, that was someone else. I'm not so sure I like the gym type of exercises, but hiking in the woods or walking on the beach sound wonderful . . . I just not near the woods or a beach :) Wish I was. But in my experience, exercise almost seems more important in my personal weight loss than the food I eat. It seems like when I'm exercising, the food kind of takes care of itself. I don't WANT to eat the bad stuff that I love so much.
    I just need to get back into the swing of exercise!
  • wifeofonemomofthree
    wifeofonemomofthree Posts: 16 Member
    Exercise videos is a great idea . . . I'll have to go shopping :) Thanks!