The challenge to be active with kids

Hello everyone, I've been on here a couple year ago and it helped me plan out my calories and whatnot. I live in Salem, MA. I work in Healthcare in Medical Records (sitting down most of the day). My goal is to watch my caloric intake and keep it steady. But the biggest thing is to find ways to be more active and burn calories that way. I work full time and I'm a full time online student at the end of my sophomore year. I have 3 busy kids (6.5, 5 and 2.5) and that makes it a challenge to get out and do things with all my other commitments.

My goals - to get out when I can to walk and run. If I have to stay in I want to find exercises to do at home (there's always on demand aerobics)
- to set a good example for my kids to be healthy and eat well but for them never to be consumed by pursuing a standard or an image.
- to find a light beer that tastes good. (ales and IPAs)
- to get out and play softball next year
- to encourage other parents with small kids to get out and be active while not judging them or critiquing them.

Great to meet everyone.