How do you hit 10K steps with a desk job?



  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I go take a walk around the mall or the store if I haven't gotten all my steps in. I also work a desk job at a factory so I'll walk around the factory twice a day. There's always places to just walk around.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    I'm another one that comes in 5 - 6k by the time I leave work; and that's only when making an effort to move some more during the day. It'd be nice if my job took care of my steps for me - but it doesn't. If I want to hit my 10k step goal I have to move more in the evening (it's not happening before work), that's just my life.
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    I have a desk job too and unless I go for my lunch time workout or workout with my trainer twice a week I can't hit 10,000 either. I must try harder! ;)
  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    I usually park a little further away than most and arrive 15 minutes early for work so do a 10 minute circuit before I go and sit down. I occasionally fit in a little walk (10 mins again) during lunch and when I leave I do my morning circuit to my car backwards. This along with running about at home/evening walk/social plan where I park further away.

    It doesn't always happen but works about 80% of the time and I don't feel like I'm giving up a large chunk of my day just to get steps.
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Desk job here. I clock up nearly 2k each way on my commute (walking to and from bus stops) and then spend 45 minutes of each lunch hour walking outside (usually with music to keep my pace up). I usually hit 10k shortly before reaching my front door on the way back.
  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    I have the same problem. I even started walking a lap around the inside of my building every 30 mins, and still couldn't even come close. I have to get in a deliberate workout to be able to come close to my step goal, but I work out 5 days a week regardless, so I'm not too concerned.
  • msharrington315
    msharrington315 Posts: 199 Member
    I have a desk job too. I have an understanding with my boss that I need to walk during lunch.
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    I work in a Hotel. As a Sales Manager I do walk around a lot. It is kind of nice because I do get up and move around, communicate with clients and guests along with my staff. I do show the hotel around and meet with past, present and future clients. Plus I do need to step away from my office every now and then so I leave and have time to myself. LOL!!
  • Jules7727
    Jules7727 Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2015
    I clocked 5000 steps last night in my condo. Just walking around, walking in place, whatever I had to do to reach my daily goal. It is 90 and humid here, so no outdoors activity for a few days. I will continue the house walking as long as I have to.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    desk job and I don't move around a lot. I don't want to. I like zoning in on my work. some days I only get 5k steps but I think I average 8k with dog walks, runs of various length, poking around the office, park farther away, frequent water breaks. there are days that I do about six miles before work. then I hit my 10k before I even step foot in the office.
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    Everyone is so caught up on steps, but if you do just 15 mins of vigorous cardio that throws the steps out. Vigorous is determined by taking 135 steps or more per min, or a steady heart rate of 80% or more for 15+ mins
  • BabyDollSaxon
    BabyDollSaxon Posts: 6 Member
    I go for a morning walk half hr before work. I also go for a half hr walk at lunch. I don't get my 10k at work but I do get about 7k and I get the rest after work. I can't just sit there. I have to get up and walk around.
  • ashleesaid
    ashleesaid Posts: 50 Member
    I usually hit 5000-6000 from work at my desk job, where I either walk some on lunch break or run an errand. I also go to the 1st floor (I work on the 4th) for about half my potty breaks (and use the stairs both ways). I go to the gym after work and that gets me to about 9000 or so, then getting the rest is relatively easy once I get home and just move around. I don't hit 10k on the days I don't go to the gym though.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I work in a doctors office, and we're down a provider so some days are busier than others... I get up and walk the loop in the building twice every hour, and I have two high energy dogs that if I don't walk for at least 45 minutes at night will not let me sleep. Parking far away. Etc. On a busy at work day I can get close to 18k, but its usually 12-14k. Getting a dog was the best thing I did for my steps! Even if I don't want to walk, they *need* me to walk.
  • cchen2015
    cchen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    I use subway for my daily commute, take longer routes from home and get off 2 stops earlier, take a 30~minutes walk during lunch break, usually hit 12K steps by the end of the day. I don't count gym steps(use a HRM for gym workout). Commute counts a lot--I'm lucky to live in a city that is walking friendly.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have a desk job, I hit 10k before I go to work by running. ...I get around 3k at work from going between offices and when I get home I walk/ cook/housework and get another 7k

    20k is my daily average. ..totally doable when we put our minds to do it :smile:
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    Desk job here.. I usually hit 5-6 k by the time I get home. I work out 4-5 times a week though and those days I'm usually way above 10 k . I just try and look at it as a weekly goal rather than a daily goal.
  • LilMissLisaC
    LilMissLisaC Posts: 30 Member
    I've been trying to get my 10k in before breakfast so that everything else is a bonus. I'm in a small office so only hit around 3k even with walking to and from work, I know and have accepted that I need to make a concious effort to move more. x
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I have the same problem. The only way I can get to 10k+ steps on a work day typically requires at least 3, preferably 4 miles of running (or if you don't run then walking). Otherwise it is typically just not possible. Weekends are different. Chores, store runs, lawns, etc and 10k+ is easy. Let alone the fact that I do my long runs on the 10k is usually out of the way in the first hour after waking on weekends (but only because of the long runs).
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    You MAKE time before/during/after work if you want to reach it. A desk job isn't the reason, it's just a deterrence. If it's something you want to meet, then you find a way to do it.
    Oh, and this really is the painful truth. I never really started regularly breaking 10k+ steps per day until I started marathon training, switching from running 3 days/week to 5 days/week, and the distances made 10k pretty much a given on those 5 days. So I only needed to strive to hit 10k on those other 2 days...or not. Mostly not because my average daily steps are well over 10k/day over the course of a week.

    Just keep building up, steadily over time. You can get there eventually even with a full time desk job that plants you in a seat all day.