How to count calories when following a recipe?

Hi everyone!
So I have always liked to find recipes online and try them out, but it is hard to count calories with myfitnesspal when I don't know what to put in. For instance, for this recipe I want to try, should I just put into MFP each ingredient? But then that doesn't take into account servings- so do I then have to divide each ingredient? I feel like this has made me shy away from trying these recipes I find because I don't see the calories before making it- but I don't want to never be able to try these recipes because I can't/don't know how to put them into MFP. :P Any help is appreciated!

(By the way, as an aside, recipes from WebMD are super helpful to me bacause they break down what I am asking about in this thread. Like this delicious recipe. :smiley: )


  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    Use the recipe builder. I weigh each ingredient as I'm preparing the recipe, weigh the final cooked recipe, and input the total weight of the recipe as the servings. That way when I weigh out 157g of the recipe, I just add 157 servings to my diary.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    The recipe builder is a fabulous tool! Some people find it frustrating at first - but it doesn't take much before you realize all the great benefits and how easy it really is to use.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    OMG. I didn't know that recipe builder thing existed- I'm fairly new to this- THANK YOU. That made my life so much easier!!! :D
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi everyone!
    (By the way, as an aside, recipes from WebMD are super helpful to me bacause they break down what I am asking about in this thread. Like this delicious recipe. :smiley: )

    Do you mean they show the calories and such?

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