Squats- upper body gives way before lower body?



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hausisse1 wrote: »
    I feel I should mention that the biggest issue for me seems to be the actual act of getting the weight atop my shoulders. And when I hold dumbbells by my sides my arms get too tired, though I feel like my legs could support more. Does this in fact sound like my arms just aren't strong enough yet? (I'll still get a video of me in the next few days though)

    I'm kinda confused, your arms do almost nothing in the act of squatting (with a barbell). They are just hooks that give you a little balance and something to help brace your back muscles with. There are people who have squatting over 600lbs with no hands at all, just balancing the bar on their back.

    So basically, arm strength has essentially nothing to do with squatting. If it does, you may be setting up unusually/incorrectly.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Hausisse1 wrote: »
    I feel I should mention that the biggest issue for me seems to be the actual act of getting the weight atop my shoulders. And when I hold dumbbells by my sides my arms get too tired, though I feel like my legs could support more. Does this in fact sound like my arms just aren't strong enough yet? (I'll still get a video of me in the next few days though)

    I'm kinda confused, your arms do almost nothing in the act of squatting (with a barbell). They are just hooks that give you a little balance and something to help brace your back muscles with. There are people who have squatting over 600lbs with no hands at all, just balancing the bar on their back.

    So basically, arm strength has essentially nothing to do with squatting. If it does, you may be setting up unusually/incorrectly.

    I was wondering this myself. Are you lifting the bar and putting it on your back? Otherwise, I don't understand why your arms would be tired. I rest the bar on my back and use an open palm to steady it against my back even at 1.5 times my body weight.

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hausisse1 wrote: »
    I feel I should mention that the biggest issue for me seems to be the actual act of getting the weight atop my shoulders. And when I hold dumbbells by my sides my arms get too tired, though I feel like my legs could support more. Does this in fact sound like my arms just aren't strong enough yet? (I'll still get a video of me in the next few days though)

    quite frankly this sounds like your not using a squat rack (didn't read the entire thread).

    If your using a squat rack, the weight is already at shoulder level, or slightly below I guess.

    You just step under the bar, position yourself properly, and then use your legs to lift off the rack.

    Your hands basically keep the bar in one spot and bare virtually no weight at all.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I'm guessing you aren't putting it on the right spot on your back. It really shouldn't be "on your shoulders". It should be on your lat muscles, but I think it's possible that you don't have enough lat muscles to really create that "pad" and it's resting on your shoulders.

    I'm going to assume you meant trapezius muscles (traps) and not lats. OP the bar is not resting on your lats, it should be on your traps. Where on them is going to depend on whether you squat high bar or low bar.

    A video would be most helpful if you want people on here to give any specific advice. It's a little confusing as to what exactly your doing. I'm not sure if your barbell squatting or dumbbell squatting.